Vince Neil #25 | Really Vince?

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-teen Vince AU-

I sighed as I made my way to my friends house.
Let's just help her brother is away at band practice.

Vince is my age, my friend is a year older then me.
So at times, she's on baby sitting duty even though we can get along just fine.

Except Vince, he's so annoying!
He always tells me stuff I don't care about.
Like his sex life...

She opened the door and let me in, we sat on the bench and ate toast, then surprise surprise, Blondie walks in.

"Oh yay... My least favourite person," he said, "Right back at ya fuck face," I said and took my shoes off, "Oops," I said as I threw it at him, my friend giggled while Vince glared, he ditched it at my face and my nose begun to bleed.

"Ow, what the fuck man? At least I didnt throw it that hard!" I whined, my friend went off to get some tissues while Vince bit his lip slightly.

He grumbled and walked over, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit your face," he said and grabbed tissues from his pocket, putting it on my nose.

"I'm sure you didn't," I said, "Look, I'm trying to apologize here," he glared.

"You? Apologize?" I giggled, "Yeah I know! Laugh it up! But it's true," he huffed.

"Why do you now want to apologize?" I asked, "Because, I'm sorry that I hurt you, I'm sorry I made you think I hate you, I'm sorry that I yell at you, I'm sorry I tell you things you don't give a fuck about," he went on, I was just confused as hell, Vince is apologizing.

"I'm sorry!" He sighed.

"I forgive you..."

"And- wait what?" He asked, "I forgive you," I said and took the tissue away from my nose, "Has it stopped yet?" I asked, "Yeah," he said.

I threw it in the bin and he got another one, running it under the water before passing it back so I could wipe the access blood off.

"I'm sorry..." He said, "I forgive you, stop saying sorry," I sighed and rubbed my nose.

He grumbled, "I can't believe I'm doing this..." He sighed, he hugged me, "Well this is unexpected," I giggled and played with his hair.

"Yeah yeah..."

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