Mick Mars #38 | Now thats REAL guitar! pt. II

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He stared at his phone for a few minutes, contemplating the call as he fumbled with her number, the number was set, now all he had to do was press a button and ring away.

He bit his lip, before apparently, she had the idea to call him first, her caller ID popped up, he grabbed hold of his phone and sighed, "Hello," he said, "Hey Micky, it's me," she smiled, "Who's me?" He joked, smirking as she giggled, "Oh you silly boy, Y/N," she smiled, just her name got him blushing like a school boy.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She asked, "Yeah, I'll pick you up now... I can't wait," he said, hearing her giggle on the other side, "Sure Marsy," she smiled, "I'll meet you there, goodbye," he said and hung up quickly.

He raked his hands through his long hair as he fumbled with his fingers.

The things that girl did to him...

He took a deep breath, trying to relax himself as he was growing more and more on edge.
"I got this..." He mumbled, he grabbed his keys, dashing down to his red on red corvette and taking her for a ride.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at her house, distance wise and the fact that he floored it, he loves it fast, what can he say?

(You're filthy if you thought dirty, tsk tsk tsk).

He braced himself as he knocked at the door, in total he was two hours early, she opened the door and he had to stop his mouth from dropping.

There before him, stood a curvy woman wearing a black short dress with knee high black leather boots, along with black tights under her dress.

"Hey Mick... Shall we go?" She smiled, noticing him checking her out, she too checked him out, he was wearing black leather pants and his own band shirt along with a leather jacket.

"Y-yeah.. Yeah, where do you want to go?" He frowned, "Oh somewhere nice, but I like just hanging with you, how about we sit at a park... somewhere quiet?" She smiled, he nodded as if he was under a spell, he held his arm out making her smile as she linked arms with him, strutting to the car as he opened the door for her.

"I love the car," she smiled, he smirked a bit and got in, "Oh just wait," he grinned, starting the engine before speeding down the road, it was exillerating, Mick couldn't help but smirked as she cheered and laughed.

Even as they stopped somewhere quiet and the hood was now up, she was still faintly giggling as he told her stories.

"My teacher was a jackass, he believed music wasn't important for a school, so I stormed out of class real pissed," Mick told her and traced her fingers gently with his thumb.

"You're real handsome..." She murmured, looking into his eyes, "You're real beautiful..." He hummed.

"You know... I don't think our first kiss was all that special," she told him, a glum pout on her face, "Oh?" He asked, she nodded, a small smile approaching her features as she climbed into the back seat, patting beside her childishly, he got out of the car and walked around, opening the door and sitting beside her.

"Mick... I have a confession to make..." She told him, "Mm?" He hummed as he stared into her gorgeous eyes.

"I love you... I know we've only been on this date, but something about you is so hypnotic... Is it our guitarist curse?" She frowned softly, he was taken aback, before lightly chuckling.

"I love you too..." He told her as he rested his hand under chin, "Let's make this time... Memorable..." He breathed, she looked into his half kissed eyes and leaned in, arms gently wrapped around his shoulders as the two kissed passionately, it wasn't of lust, it was just a night of laughter and love.

"I love you so much," she whispered, he gently bonked heads with her, "I love you too..." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Mick?" She asked, "Yeah?" He asked, "You know for an alien, you're sexy as fuck," she giggled at her lame flirting skills, he groaned making her snicker more.

"You're so trash," he smiled making her grin, "Whatever you say gorgeous," he said and kissed her cheek gently.

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