Nikki Sixx #34 | Cheeky.

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-dad Nikki au, also single-

Nikki heard giggles, uh oh.
He walked up to his daughters bedroom and she was on the floor, smiling innocently up at him.

"Why are you giggling?" He smiled, "I love you daddy," she giggled, "I love you too..." He cooed.

He picked her up and put her on his lap as he put her socks on, she giggled as he buckled her shoes up as well.

"Good girl, time for breakfast!" Nikki smiled, she went down stairs with him and he made her some pancakes.

"I love you baby girl," Nikki said, "I love you more dada," she said cuddling his leg, "Not possible," he hummed as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the dining room, she ate her food and giggled as he played with her soft hair.

"I love you cheeky," he smiled, "I love you too old man," she said, he gasped making her giggle, he tickled her and she squealed with laughter, he chuckled and kissed her nose.

"Naughty girl," he smiled, she smiled a bit and stuck her tongue out at him.
"I love you," he chuckled, "I love you too," she giggled.

He took her down to the park and smiled at her as she giggled her ass off.
She jumped around and a bunch of butterflies swarmed around her.
"Go play," Nikki smiled and sat on a bench, chuckling as his daughter ran to the playground and spun around.

She giggled as the butterflies landed on her, fluttering their wings as they laid still, quiet and fascinated by the mini person they caught.

"I love you,"

"I love you too."

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