Nikki Sixx #1 | Record Store.

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You jogged over to the record store as it was raining, you had the worst luck of anyone who lived in this old town, trust me, you knew it as well. It was cold, you forgot your jumper, you were having to travel back to this store because you forgot your wallet last time, and thus... The cycle lives on.

Your skin was slightly purple as you shivered in the record store, the pathetic heater was a tiny bit of a help, but not by much. 
Skimming over Black Sabbath and Dio albums, you heard someone clear their throats, you turned around, expecting someone to ask you to shuffle, instead, you were met face to chest with a tall man with jet-black hair, you knew him, Nikki Sixx was his name, he was in the band called 'Motley Crue', you adored the band to pieces, but of course, you wouldn't admit that, especially to one of the four members.

"I like your taste," He smiled, "Oh, thank you," You mumbled, suddenly very shy with the man you've always wanted to meet. "I could recommend some for you," He suggested, giving a warm grin, his teeth shining as his lips moved away from them.

"Oh, yeah sure," You agreed, he took your hand and lead you to the back of the shop, he took you through to the open door that said 'Staff only', "Are you sure we're meant to be in here?" You asked, "Shh, Joe's my buddy," He said and looked through boxes.

"Ah huh!" He exclaimed, grabbing the album he had been looking for.

He pulled out a 'Cheap Trick' Album, putting it into your hands along with the other two you had picked out. "There you go, all sorted?" He smiled, "Yeah... Thanks..." You mumbled, as you looked down at the album cover.

"What's your name?" He asked, "Y/N," You told him, your eyes looking up into his, basically snapping your neck to look into his eyes, "Well, I'm Nikki, it's nice to meet you," He said holding out his hand, "You too," You giggled and shook his hand.

He gave a grin and passed the records over to the man behind the counter, he scanned them and passed them back, the two of you walking out, "Hey, I didn't pay," You said worriedly as he took you around the back, "Relax shortie, that's Joe, he's cool," He told you.

"Yeah yeah, you're just a tree," You huffed, he stopped and turned to you, chuckling as your face heated up as he actually heard you, "Sure thing short-fuck," He said and lead the way, you stood there for a while, he turned, "Come on! Join the wild side!" He called, walking across the street.

You looked both ways before sprinting after him, "Hey! I don't have long legs like you!" You huffed as you ran to keep up with him, he chuckled and grabbed your hand as he took you around a few blocks.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" You asked, "The wild side, told you," He said, giving a smug smirk as he shrugged.

You rolled your eyes and speed walked to catch up with him. 
Then he stopped, making you trip over his foot, he caught you and you looked up, seeing the other three members.

"Who's this?" Mick asked, "This is Y/N! I found her at the record store," He beamed, "Y/N, nice name," Tommy said, shooting a smile your way, you smiled a bit and Nikki put his elbow on your shoulder, "Yeah, she's  the perfect height! Mick can we keep her?!" Nikki pleaded, hold on...

"No Nikki, she's a human, not a dog," Mick said, rolling his eyes at the childish man, "Oh Micky please? She's pretty..." He pouted, wrapping his arms around your figure, giving puppy eyes at Mick making the other two chuckle.

If you were blushing before, you certainly were now. "No, she can be our friend though," Mick said, "Yes! Come on Y/N," Nikki beamed down at you, grabbing your hand and taking you into the apartment, beer bottles were everywhere and the smell of cigarettes filled your nose.

"So, where abouts do you live?" Vince asked you, "About a block away from the record store," You told him, they guided you to the dining room and Nikki pulled up a chair for you, you thanked him and sat beside him.

"Jesus, you're purple," Tommy said, "Yeah, well it's freezing cold," You said, shrugging slightly.
Nikki got up and walked off while the other three were zoned out listening to the rain.
He came back and passed a jacket to you, "Oh, it's okay," You told him, "Shut up and put the damn jacket on, woman," He said, you rolled your eyes and put the leather jacket on, it was warm and my god you looked like a child in the over-sized jacket, "Short ass," He snickered, "Bitch," You said making him chuckle.

"Ooh, nice albums," Vince said as he looked the vinyl's over.
"Yeah, she's got good taste," Nikki said, "Indeed she has," Vince agreed, the three of them were totally fine with you, which made Nikki really happy, and of course it made you happy as well seen as you idolize these guys.

As it was getting late, Nikki escorted you home, his arm protectively wrapped around your side as he walked home with you. "It's so cold..." You yawned, "Mhm," He hummed, his arm massaging circles into your waist.

As you arrived at your stop, you hugged him and handed the jacket over, "No keep it," He smiled, "Oh, wait here," You said, taking him into the warmth where he stood in the doorway.

You came back with a marker, taking his hand in yours and writing down some digits, he smirked and patted your head, "I'll see you real soon Y'N," he smiled, "Bye bye tree, thank you for the jacket... And today," You smiled, he chuckled and walked out, "My pleasure, goodbye shortie," He smiled.

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