Mick Mars #21 | That's my baby.

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-dad Mick AU-

Mick was tired of their bullshit, some new guy was in and he was hated by everyone in the studio, sound guys, light guys, and even Mick's daughter, Y/N.

She hated him with all her guts.

"Daddy?" She asked, "Yes honey?" He asked as he rubbed her back, "Do we have to have this ninkin poop here?" She pouted, he held back laughter by sticking his tongue on his gum, he heard a few squeaks of the guys as they bit their lips and tried not to laugh.

The guy was a twat, he treated instruments with no respect, chucking them as if they were nothing.

She glared at him with pure hate.
"I don't know when he'll be gone honey," Mick told her.

As they were eating lunch, the guy said something about Mick, saying he was an unfit musician, telling that to a sound guy who was about to have his ass for it.

That's when she snapped.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT MY FATHER LIKE THAT!" She snapped, everyone went silent.
"Honey, it's okay," Mick said.

She got up and walked slowly over to him.
"You're a crook!" She said, he was shocked that such a young girl was saying this to him.

"MY FATHER IS TEN TIMES THE MAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" She screamed, Tommy ran over and held her back, "Honey, it's okay..." He whispered.


Everyone gasped, Mick just smirked, that's his daughter alright.
The man left and she changed back to normal, skipping over to Mick and sitting on his lap.

"You're my daughter alright," he grinned, everyone just started laughing.
"He was stunned! Completely stunned!" Tommy laughed as he sat down.

"I would be too if a four year old spoke like that to me," Vince chuckled.

"Honey?" Mick asked, she looked up, "Yes daddy?" She asked, "Never ever do that while we're not around, okay?" He smiled, she nodded, "Good, I'd like to remember it," he winked making her giggle.

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