Nikki Sixx #27 | Feisty...

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Drunk and dumb as fuck, the terror twin set off on his own and looked around.
He was in a club, the music thumping loudly and the cheers of people echoed through the room.

There at a table alone, was the hottest chick he'd seen in his life.
Plump lips, soft looking skin and hair that looked good enough to rake his fingers through.

He made his way over and collided with the table, blushing slightly as she looked up at him.
"Hey cutie... What ya doin alone?" He slurred and hiccupped, "Waiting on a friend, I think she ditched me though," she sighed.

"Oh no baby... You wanna catch a ride with me?" He hummed, giggling as she rolled her eyes and stood up.

"You, my darling, shouldn't be driving," she said, "It was only one or two..." He slurred, she rolled a brow.

"Feisty," he giggled, "Oh shut up and get your ass out the door," she smirked and poked his back, he giggled the whole way as he walked through the crowd of people. "So what's your name?" He called, "Y/n!" She shouted back.

She had to end up holding the sleeve of his leather jacket so she wouldn't lose him in the crowd.

"Could just hold my hand baby," he hummed and stopped, "I'm good," she smiled.

"You're pretty," he said putting his hand against her cheek, "I'm also not a groupie, now go on," she ushered.

"I never said that..." He slurred, "You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen," he said, she took his hand and lead him outside into the darkness.

"How many other women have you said that to?" She chuckled and patted at his hips, "Ooh," he smirked, "Give me your keys idiot," she huffed, he plopped them out and they fell on the floor, she bent down and grabbed them, "What cars yours?" She asked, "The black 1974 Stutz Blackhawk," he hummed.

"Surprised you can remember that while you're drunk," she chuckled, "A man never forgets his car, baby," he hummed, she giggled at how slurred he sounded.

"Do you need to puke?" She asked, he was pale and holding his stomach, "Uh huh," he said like a little kid, she walked him over to a push and rubbed his back, he puked onto the bushes and she patted his back and he groaned and turned around.

She got a tissue and wiped at his mouth and threw it in the bin.
"Come on," she said holding his hand and taking him to the car.

"You better be a good driver..." He said, "I am, I passed," she sighed and opened the door for him, he sat down and she walked around to the drivers side.

Imagine... A rock star willingly let a random girl drive his car?
She hummed a melody as she pulled out of the club, "Where do ya live?" She hummed, he mumbled the address, frowning to remember.

"Alright, when we get there tell me if it looks familiar," she said, he nodded.

"Hey... y/N!" He whined childishly, "Mhm?" She asked, "I'm gonna be sick again," he said, so she pulled over and helped him out of the car, he puked into a bush again and once again, she wiped his mouth clean with a tissue and threw it into a bush.

As they finally got to the destination, he nodded, "That's my home!" He smiled, "But Y/N?" He hummed, she smiled, "Thank you..." He said and kissed her cheek, "All good, wait up," she said, he waited as she turned the car off and walked around, helping him up, she used his back as a table to write on and put it in his jacket.

"Need help getting to your room?" She asked, "Yes please..." He pouted, god he looked cute like this.

She smiled and held his hand as she took him upstairs as he mumbled where his room was.

"Tuck me in," he giggled making her chuckle, "You gonna sleep in your boots and jacket are you?" She smiled, "Mm, no," he said shaking his head, she chuckled and took it off him and helped take his boots off.

She tucked him in and kissed his forehead, "There, all good?" She smiled, "How are you gonna get home?" He frowned, "I'm gonna walk, I live close to you," she smiled, "So how did you get to the club?" He asked, "The friend who ditched me," she giggled.

"Oh, yeah I have dementia, I'm drunk baby," he hummed, "I can see that!" She smiled, he giggled and she smiled a bit and patted his cheek gently.

"I'm gonna go now okay?" She asked, "Okay, bye bye," he pouted, "Can I get a kiss first?" He pouted, "Kiss?" She asked, he puckered his lips making her blush and giggle.

She kissed him softly, "Now can I go?" She smiled, he nodded, "Bye bye," he smiled, "Bye bye," she smiled and waved.

The next day he groaned as he woke up, all he remembered was the short girl he met, but she was a blur... It's a pity, he remembered feeling attached to her...

He sighed and reached into his pocket, frowning as he felt a letter inside.

He grabbed it and un wravelled it.

'Hi Nikki!

My name is Y/N in case you forget the next day. I helped you get home last night (yes I drove your car, don't worry we didn't crash), I tucked you in even haha.
If you want, call me. :)

- #### ### ###'

He smiled a bit, he called her and she answered, "Hello?" She hummed, "Hi, it's me Nikki," he said, "Nikki! How are you?" She asked.

"Heads killing me and everything's spinning, besides that I'm great... Look, could you come over?" He asked, "Yeah sure, I'll be there in ten," she said, "Great, see ya then, bye," he smiled.

Ten minutes passed and he opened the door for her.
It all came back to him, she had gorgeous skin, gorgeous eyes and my god her hair was soft looking.

"Hi," he blushed, "Hello," she giggled, he let her in and they went to the lounge room.
"So what did you want me over for?" She smiled, "I wanted to thank you, now that I'm just hung over and shit, it's easier to actually say thank you, I'm sorry... If I put you through hell or anything," he sighed.

"Oh no no, it's completely fine, you were just sick twice," she told him, "I'm sorry," he said, "No it's okay, really," she giggled and he held her hand, "Thank you so much..." He smiled, "Any time!" She smiled.

"You're different, you're not... Doing anything to try to get into my wallet, or... Date me because of my fame... 'Fame', I..." He paused before kissing her softly, reiinacting the soft kiss of last night.

She blushed and giggled as they separated, "Of course not, I'd never do that, plus, you're too handsome to hurt," she smiled.

"Aww, what a sweetheart," he cooed making her giggle, "Thanks beautiful," he chuckled.
She smiled and leaned her head on his chest.

He kissed her head and sighed.
Finally, something different...

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