Mick Mars #11 | Freckles.

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My husband hates his freckles.
But I like them.
"Damn I need gloves or long sleeves," he said as we were outside on the porche watching our five year old son run around, we lived in the country so he was using this giant back yard as a playground.

"I think they're cute," I said, "I'll sandpaper them off," he said trying to pick them off, I slapped his hands, "Bad, bad man," I huffed telling him off like a dog.

"Honey, I'm not a dog, I'm an alien," he said making me giggle, Eric, our son tripped over, "You right buddy?" I asked getting up, "I'm good!" He called and continued running around like a plane making me giggle as I sat back beside my husband.

"I never would of expected such a sweet son and wife in my life..." He said, "I'm a poet, didn't ya know it?" He smirked as it rhymed making me giggle.

"You're a dork Micky," I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Suddenly our son comes running up with blood all over his face and hands.

"Eric! What the hell happened to you?!" Mick asked and picked him up, "I fellded over," he hummed and bit his lip, "No... Really?" Mick sighed making me giggle.

We went inside and I began patching up my sons face.
"Look, he's got your cute freckles!" I smiled showing Mick our sons arms.

"I've cursed him..." Mick sighed, "Oh stop it! I love freckles, they're cute and they're awesome," I pouted and kissed our sons cheek, "Mummy?" Eric asked, "Yes munchkin?" I asked.

"What's your favourite colour?" He hummed, "Purple," I smiled, "What about you daddy?" Eric asked, "Black," he said.

"Okay!" He giggled and ran off.
"I still think we have the cutest son..." I said making him chuckle as he groaned to sit down, "I'm so old," he said, "I know," I smirked, he flipped me off making me cackle.

Eric ran down after a while, "Look! Look!" He said with excitement, his cute baby cheeks going red as he smiled widely and showed us the drawing.

On stage was Mick with a black guitar, Tommy on the drums spinning around, Vince at the mic blowing kisses to the girls and Nikki head banging as he played bass.

At the side line I was holding Eric.
At the top it said 'I love my family, Motley Crue and mummy!'

"Aww," I smiled as I looked at the drawing.
"Can you sign it? Both of you? Pretty please?" He begged, "This is not the autograph I expected to be handing out," Mick chuckled and grabbed a marker.

He signed it and passed it to me so I could sign it.

"The boys are coming over for tea, do you want them to sign it?" I asked them, "Mhm!" Eric hummed making us chuckle.

I picked him up and sat him on my lap, kissing his cheek and smiling down at him.
"I love you mummy and daddy..." He murmured tiredly, I smiled and kissed his head, "We love you too kiddo," Mick said.

"Mhm," I hummed.
Eric fell asleep so Mick took him and carried him to bed.

He came back on time as the guys got here.

Soon Eric came down, wiping his eyes, "Hey kid!" Vince said and high fived him, "How's my favourite little rocker?!" Tommy said and lifted him in the air making him giggle.

"Eric the rocker, got a nice ring," Nikki grinned.
I handed over the picture and they all cooed as they looked at it.
"He wants you guys to sign it," I smiled, they chuckled and got a pen, signing the piece of paper.

"There you go bud," Nikki said ruffling his hair up, I took the picture and put it on the fridge.
"Why'd you want it signed anyways?" I asked Eric, "I don't knowwww, I just did," he giggled and wrapped his arms around my legs making me chuckle.

"He's growing tall, he's gonna out grow me easy peasy," I said as his head was up to my hip, they chuckled and I picked him up.

"My big strong boy!" I huffed and kissed his cheek making him giggle.

"Do the face," I smiled, he made a silly face making me giggle, "Show them," I smiled brightly and he did the face making them chuckle.

"He gets that from you Mick," Vince said making Mick chuckle.
"Give me your rock n roll face," I said, he glared at me and puffed his cheeks out making me giggle.

"Wooh!" I cheered, "Show us!" Nikki said, he turned to them making them chuckle.
"Aww, cute," Tommy said.

"Baby Mick Mars!" Vince chuckled making me giggle.

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