Nikki Sixx #29 | Good girl.

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Based off of the interview above, kinda, but no interviews, just a shy girl asking Nikki questions.

She was beautiful, breathtaking... She wore panty hose, thigh high socks and leather shorts, a black belt with a white buckle that said 'Fuckers' on it and a plane black t with a bleather jacket on.

She had gorgeous hair, gorgeous skin, and god her eyes... Her eyes were just stunning.

But how on Earth did she end up here? Sitting right next to Nikki Sixx, bassist of Motley Crue?

Well, truth is, he found her sitting alone, and thought she was cute, so he decided to go flirting, as usual.

But when he spoke to her, she was very shy and fiddled with the bottom of her boots.
"Well how about this," he spoke, shifting so he was facing her, "How about we ask each other questions?" He smiled, she nodded.

"Okay, you go first," he said boldly.
"Okay... How many piercings do you have?" She asked, still a little quiet, but a bit more talkative.

"Two, one on my nipple, one on my lobe, my turn," he said, she blinked slightly and waited for the question, he seemed to be thinking for a while.

"Well, Y/N, what is your favourite colour?" He asked, "Black," she said, "Me too, we got something in common," he smiled.

"You go again," he nodded.

"How many tattoos do you have?" She asked looking at his hand, "Oh I have a lot," he said rolling his sleeve up.

"I got my first tattoo with the boys, we all got our first ones together," Nikki smiled, she nodded slightly and he noticed the scars on her hands and the bumps on her fingers.

He lightly grabbed her hand and inspected them.
"Do you play a stringed instrument?" He smiled, she nodded.

"Which one?" He asked, subtly placing her hand on his cheek, she flushed red, "Guitar..." She said.

"Of course it's guitar, never any bass..." He jokingly sighed, "I don't know how to," she mumured, "Really?" He asked, she nodded.

"I can teach you," he smiled and pressed her finger tips against his lips, pouting slightly as if kissing her fingers.

"O-okay... Are you always like this?" She mumbled, "Like what?" He smiled and tilted his head curiously.

"L-like that..." She said looking at his mouth, "Mm, mhm," he smiled and ran the tip of his tongue over her finger.

"But you got another thing comin, you're a good girl," he smiled.

"Good girl?" She asked, "Yeah," he said, "Good girls always fall for bad boys," he smiled.

"Are you a bad boy?" She almost giggled just asking that, "I don't know, do you think I am," he asked and wiggled his brows, she giggled, "Yess! Got the pretty girl to smile!" He cheered making her smile.

"Hey pretty girl," he said, she hummed, "Do you wanna catch a ride home? I can take you to mine and we can hang out?" He asked, "Mm," she hummed, not convinced yet.

"I'll buy pizza, and we can watch a movie, or... We can go to your house," he said and batted his lashes.

"Why mine?" She smiled, "Because then I'd get to see how your house is," he said.

"My house is your average kinda deal, though I do have a hidden compartment," she added, "Ooh?" He asked intrigued, "Nope, you'll have to see it yourself," she smiled, "So we're going then?" He asked, "Eh, you're driving, so sure," she smirked, he chuckled and took her hand.

"You like motorbikes?" He asked, "LOVE motorbikes," she smiled.

"Then baby, you're in for a ride."

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