Mick Mars #32 | She's got the looks...

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Mick was walking around, hands in his jumper pockets as he walked down the street, it was cold out, snowing actually.
But then he noticed a girl, who he thought was rather insane, she was dressed in shorts, black holy tights underneath and a Deep Purple shirt on.
No jumper, nothing.

"Aren't you cold?" He asked, "No! I was born in Switzerland, I'm used to the cold," she smiled brightly, she had a cute accent...

"Oh, you're making me cold just looking at you..." He chuckled, she giggled, "You look very warm," she said, "I am, what's your name?" He asked, "I'm Y/N," she said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Mick," he introduced and shook her small hand, "This is gonna sound weird... But you have a really handsome face," she said, "Oh... Thank you, you're very beautiful too... Got the looks that kill," he smirked and giggled at his own song referencing, she giggled along and they walked into a cafe together, it was nice and warm in there and they ordered some drinks and spoke about whatever.

"So do you play an instrument?" Mick asked after he explained he was in a band called 'Motley Crue', "Yeah, I'm a guitarist as well," she smiled.

"Oh really? I'd love to hear you play some time," he said, "Same to you," she smiled.

"Hey Y/N... You, I like you, you don't drive me crazy like the boys in the band," he said making her laugh.
"Thanks, I like you too, my brothers annoy the hell outta me, all because I'm short and I play guitar," she hummed, "God it sucks being us!" He groaned making her chuckle.

"But hey, we're boring together," she smiled making him chuckle. "I wouldn't say you're boring, I am, I'm an old man," he said, "Yeah, damn right," she joked, he gasped and held his heart jokingly making her giggle.

She's got the looks that kill...

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