Mick Mars #2 | Anti-Social.

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Your heart pounded to the rhythm of the music as you went around the club, your hands gripped onto your thighs out of nervousness.

People were a no go.
Parties were a no go.
Did you want to come here?
No. Straight up, no..

But we're you forced here?

So you were the lonely duck in a large setting while your drunk friends left to get banged.
You were basically... Stranded.

"Hey sweetheart," your breath caught in your throat as gentle hands touched your arms from behind, you turned and saw an average height man standing in front of you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "Mmm," you said, looking around and gnawing your lips anxiously.

"Did you get ditched here?" He asked, now yelling over the loud music, you nodded, why did he keep asking questions?

He took you outside, his warm soft hands running over your palms gently as the calluses on his fingers touched the pads of your hands ever so gently.

"Figured fresh air might feel better?" He smiled a bit, you took in a deep breath and he stepped back to light a cigarette.

He offered you one but you declined. "Ever smoked?" He asked, again, a shake of the head.

"Wanna try?" He grinned, holding the cigarette, you shrugged.

He walked over and pressed it to your lips, you coughed dramatically making him chuckle.
"You right newbie?" He asked as he patted your back.

"How the fuck do you do that?" You choked, "Years and years of practice," he said, "It'll fucking kill ya," you said, coughing a little as your eyes watered.

He chuckled and the sounds of the door opening got your attention, he turned and smirked, "Hey Tommy!" He said, "Yo! Mick! Who's this man?" Tommy asked as he walked over.

"Uh... Good question, love?" Mick asked, his eyes piercing into yours.

"Y/N..." You mumbled, "Nice, I'm the drummer," he said and shook your small hand.
"Damn those are some small hands," he said, "Yeah yeah," you smiled to yourself and Mick heard a bottle break.

"Tommy, where are the other two?" Mick asked, "They're inside drinking," He said, "Great..." He groaned.

"Well, do you want a lift?" Mick asked, "Uh..." You mumbled, "I won't kill ya, promise, you can sit in the front with me," he said.

"Sure," you smiled. Then the other two stumbled out as if on cue.
"Hey idiots! Come on, we're going," Mick said, "You scored!" The blonde said as his eyes raked up your figure.

"No, I didn't 'score' and it's rude to stare, Vince," Mick said as he rolled his eyes and guided you to a red corvette.

He opened the door and you sat down, the boys stumbled into the backseat and mumbled drunkenly among themselves while Mick turned the car on and drove down the road.

"Ughhh, Y/N ... What do you do for a living?" Tommy grizzled, "I work at a record store at the moment, but there's a little thing I'm working with on the side," you mumbled.

"Like what?" Vince asked, "Something," you smirked, "Oh hardy hardy ha! Very funny!" He huffed making you giggle.

"Don't mind them, they're moody when they're drunk," Mick said as he placed his hand on your thigh, "What type of drunk are you?" You asked, "Romantic..." He shrugged, "Ooh~" you teased, "Yeah yeah," he smiled making you giggle.

"I hope you don't mind staying the night, I just can't be assed driving," he said as he pulled into a driveway, "It's okay," you said and the boys got out.

Tommy fell out of the car making you snort, covering your mouth as you tried not to laugh at him.

"Bitch," he said as he flipped you off.
Your smile grew as you let out a small giggle, "Yeah yeah, your just an old hag," you said as your hand rested on your hip, "Mick is older!" Tommy groaned.

"Tommy's the youngest here dude," The other black haired boy said, "Shut up Frankie" Tommy said.

"I told you not to use that name. I go by Nikki," Nikki scolded, "Whatever," Tommy said and they lead you inside.

Vince tripped and landed on the couch, calling it a night and falling asleep there.

Mick took responsibility in showing you around as he was the most sober.
"Oh and don't mind all the shaving shit on the counter," He said, "It's fine, woah it smells good in here," you stated.

"It does? You like the smell of aftershave?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Not my fault!" You giggled, "You're strange," he smiled, walking to the sink and waving you over.

You stood in front of him and he let you smell a cologne, "Eh..." You said, "That's Tommy's," he chuckled.

"This one?" He said showing you another, it smelt much better, "I like that..." You hummed, "Nikki's," he hummed.

The next one was really sweet but strong smelling, "Mm, that's interesting, in like it," you said, "That's Vince," he said.

He held up another one and let you smell it, this one smelt so good you took it from his hands and inhaled the smell deeply making him chuckle. "That's my one," he smiled.

"You've got taste," you hummed and put it on his neck making him chuckle as you sniffed his neck.

"You smell good, Tommy's one still smells shit," you said making him chuckle.

He guided you to a spare room and closed the door behind you, from outside he said that you can change into any clothing there.

And so you chose black shorts and a white crop top and laid down on the bed.

The next day passed and three out of four boys forgot about you, causing them to scream in terror as they saw you walk down the stairs.

"Shut up, this is Y/N, you guys were to drunk to notice her," Mick said as he made room for you, you sat beside him and he held onto your thigh gently.

"Woah..." Vince said, "Well someone scored," he chuckled, "Yeah yeah," Mick said shaking his head.

It felt like Mick was your best friend... The boys though, god they're strange...

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