Tommy Lee #32 | The quiet student.

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-high school AU, the boys are roughly the same age, so none of this Mick is 7-11 years older-.

Tommy had been daydreaming all day, why? The new student. She enrolled after coming to America from Greece.

Already, he thought he had something in common, as he himself was born in Greece.
"Dude," Vince groaned and slapped his arm, Tommy jumped and hummed, "I said what are you thinking about?" Vince huffed, "Oh... There's this girl," he said, "Of course there is, there's always a girl," Mick said with an eye roll.

"No, but this girl is different... She's shy, she's pretty, she's got a cute accent, she's sweet and... Wow," Tommy said, "You like the exchange student?" Nikki asked, he nodded.

"Wow..." Mick said with an eye roll.
"There she is lover boy," he pointed, he turned and she was at the drink fountain taking a drink of water.

He jogged over.
"Hey, excuse me," he said and she moved out the way.
"No, I mean... Um," Tommy said.

"Look, I thought you were really cute and sweet and I... I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out some time?" He asked, she blushed, Tommy thought it was adorable, her whole face went red and she fiddled with her fingers nervously.

"Mm... I'd like that," she murmured, giving a small smile.
"Great! I'll invite you over to mine?" He asked, she nodded, "Alright cool, I'll go grab a pen," he said and ran to his bag, he came back and wrote it on her hand.

"That's my address, that's my number," he smiled, "Okay, I'll call..." She mumbled nervously.

As Tommy went back to the table, Vince and Nikki wolf whistled and cheered him on.
"Look at ya go man!" Vince cheered, Tommy chuckled and sat between them, "We're gonna hang out at mine," Tommy said, "Ooh, Tommy's got a girlfriend," the boys teased him, "Oh shut up," he chuckled.

A few hours passed and school was out.
Y/N made her way home, she got inside and spoke her first language to her parents who asked how the day went.

She sat down in her room and got dressed into a black long sleeve shirt and a black pair of shorts with tights on underneath.

She called Tommy's number, he answered and they arranged everything.
"My parents are super sweet, and would love to meet another Greek person," Tommy said, "Okay... You live quite close to me, just down the corner," she said.

"Great! Come over!" He called, so they hung up and she put her shoes on, explaining the situation to her parents.

They were happy she was going to see a Greek boy so they happily let her go.
She walked over to the house and knocked on the door.

A sweet lady opened it and gasped.
"You must be Y/N!" She squealed, "Yes..." She murmured, "Ugh! Gorgeous Greek accent!" She smiled brightly and let her in.

Tommy walked over, "Come, we can watch horror movies," he said and brought her to the lounge.

They watched horror movies together and she giggled as someone died.
"How is that funny?" Tommy chuckled, "Just the way they were stupid enough," she smiled softly.

Tommy was head over heels for this girl, I mean that seriously, he was so attracted to the way she smiled, looked, talked, acted, laughed, god how sweet and caring she was...

After the movie, they decided to go to the park.
She saw a little girl and cooed.
"Tommy look!" She pointed, "Aww, it's a little rat," Tommy said, earning a smack to the chest, he chuckled and rubbed his chest, "Kidding," he smiled.

The little one toddler stomped over and she smiled down at her.
"Hello cutie," she smiled, "Γειά σου," the little one hummed, "Aww, look, it's another Greek," she cooed, the two spoke together and then the dad walked up.

"Sorry to bother you kids," he chuckled, "No it's fine! She's so cute!" Y/N smiled brightly, "She is, I agree," he chuckled and picked her up.

"Take care kids," he said, "Bye fellow Greekie!" They called, "Bye!" He chuckled and made his daughter wave so they waved like weirdoes to make her giggle.

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