Tommy Lee #13 | Guardian angel.

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-first time doing an AU like this, an angel protects Tommy and he falls in love with her without realizing she's a literal angel-

Your pale skin and dark green eyes we're the first thing that got Tommy going, besides your ass of course.
You had a smile that made him nervous and your laugh always made him smile.

As you stood beside him in public, you inched closer and held his hand. "Tommy... I don't like it here," you whispered, although you were supposed to protect him, you felt scared being near so many mortals.

"It'll be fine girl," he said and brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a small gentle kiss on the back of your hand.
"I promise," he smiled.

You gave a small smile and finally, Vince walked out.
You made your way to the bus and the guys were drinking booze.

"Damn you piss forever," Tommy grumbled, "Hey, been holding it in for sixteen fuckin hours," Vince shrugged.

You sat at the back, playing with your hair before Tommy climbed up and sat beside you as well.
"You're so small," he whispered, you scoffed making him laugh.

That was just one example of your time together...

You sighed as you laid down in bed, you and Tommy had an argument, he was irritated by the fact you always clung to him in public and glared at people who were being rude to him.

Before you could explain, he told you to fuck off.
A knock was at your door, "Come in," you said, Mick walked in and closed the door behind himself.
"Tommy didn't mean to say those things, I can tell he didn't," Mick said.

"Mm, it's okay, it's just... I want to protect him, I need to..." You said and sat up, "Why do you need to?" He asked, you scratched your chin and sighed softly, "You won't freak out?" You asked, "What- are you gonna sprout wings or som-" he was interrupted when that's exactly what you did, with a golden halo on top to go with.

He just stared with his mouth wide open. "I- I..." He said as he stared at you.
"That's why I cling to him, because I've been sent to look after Tommy..." You said sadly.

You hid them again and he was lost for words.
He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Was not expecting that... That... Is... Cool?" He said, you chuckled slightly.

"Are you going to tell him?" He asked, "Yeah... But you know as well as I do he can't be trusted with secrets," you said, "And he'd most likely blurt it on news tv," you added.

He sighed and nodded, "Maybe you should say something like, 'If the public knows I'll be sent back to heaven' or... Something," he said making you giggle, he smiled slightly.

"Alright, thanks Micky," you said and hugged him, "I told you to stop calling me that," he said, "No can do, Micky," you smirked, he rolled his eyes and you both walked downstairs.

"Tommy can I talk with you for a second?" You asked, he nodded and followed you upstairs.

You made it to your room and you sighed slightly. "You're not gonna believe a word of this," you sighed, "Oh yeah?" He asked.

"I'm... I'm sort of like, your protector," you said, he scoffed and rolled his eyes, "No listen," you said.

He sat down, "I have to... It's my job," you said, "Promise not to freak out?" You asked walking over and holding his hand, he nodded.

Out sprouted the wings and halo.
He took in a sharp breath and looked at you in awe.
He took it better then Mick (that's what she said) as he looked at your wings. "Can I feel them?" He pleaded, "Gently," you agreed, he very gently touched your wings, gasping at the soft feel of your feathers.

"This is the softest thing I've ever felt..." He said in awe, "Penis," you giggled making him snicker.

"They look so cuddly," he said, you sat beside him and wrapped him in your wings, "Woah, it's like a cocoon in here!" He said making you giggle as you put your head down to look at him.

"I see why you're so protective now..." He said and nuzzled into your wings, "God... You wanna be cuddle buddies?" He asked, you blushed and moved the hair out of his face, "That all depends," you said.

"On what?" He asked, "On if you can keep this a secret, only the boys can know," you told him, "Deal," he said.

"Now you have to be my cuddle buddy," he said, you giggled and stood up, stretching and shaking your wings slightly.

"Are your wings sensitive?" He asked, "Very, they're like a dogs hearing, it's vital," you said, he nodded and you put them away.

"Oi, Nikki and Vince," you said, "What?" They groaned as they were on the couch drinking.
"I wanted to know if you guys could keep a secret," you said walking into the lounge.

"Yeah yeah," Nikki rolled his eyes, Mick slapped him over the head making him whine.
You put out your wings, they fluttered and shone magnificently in the dimly lit room.
They gaped at you in awe.

"Woah!" They said, you giggled and Tommy walked over, "Mine, my guardian angel, haha," he said sticking his tongue out and hugging you close.

"Oh boo, how come drum brains has an angel?" Vince asked, "Because he's clumsy and chaotic and I was sent to look after him," you said, Tommy scoffed making you laugh.

As the sun went down, you yawned loudly, flapping your wings and stretching dramatically, "I'm so tired..." You mumbled.

"Cuddle buddy time," Tommy said, taking you to your room, "DON'T FUCK TOO LOUD!" Vince yelled, "OH GO SUCK NIKKIS COCK!" You shouted, "EW!" The two called making you both giggle.

You laid down together and he played with your wings, "They're so pretty," he said and touched the arch of the wings, you purred in delight, moving closer and resting your head on his chest.

"Do it again," you pleaded, so he rubbed the arch of the wing again making you sigh in content. "Thank god," you murmured making him chuckle, "Literally," he smiled.

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