Tommy Lee #9 | Baby.

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The four boys were in the recording room waiting for their sound girl to come here.
She was very pregnant so after a while they got worried.

But that stopped when the door opened and closed softly.
"Y/N!" They yelled, "Shhh," she whispered, turning around and they saw a tiny baby in her arms.

"Holy!" They whispered, "He was born this morning..." She mumbled, weakly walking over to the chair and sitting down, sighing as the little one squirmed in his sleep.

"Hi," she murmured and kissed his head.
"Can one of you hold him? I'm so tired..." She mumbled weakly, "Sure," Mick said, she passed Eric over and Mick gently held him, "He's so cute," he chuckled as he looked into his dark blue eyes once he opened them.

"Isn't he?" She sighed and moved her wheels chair to the couch, she crawled onto the couch and fell asleep within seconds.

"Damn... She's exhausted," Vince chuckled, "More so then us on a big show day," Tommy chuckled, Mick passed Tommy the baby and he rocked it in his arms.
"He's adorable..." Tommy said and gently caressed his cheek.

"Like his mother," he smiled looking over at sleeping beauty. "Aye... You're not in love, are you?" Nikki smirked nudging his arm gently, "What's it matter to you?" Tommy blushed, "Aye! Atta boy Tommy!" They chuckled making him roll his eyes.

"We should build a crib," Mick said, "Why?" Vince asked, "She's a single mother, we should have a bed made up for the little man, come on guys," Mick sighed.

"Yeah alright, I dibs staying here with my favourite little baby in the whole wild world," he said making them chuckle, "Nikki and I can go, seen as Mick is the dad expert," Vince said, "Stop calling me old," Mick said, "I didn't," Vince chuckled, "In a way you are," Mick said making them chuckle.

Tommy passed the baby over as they left and scooted over to Y/N, "Hello," he mumbled and gently pecked her cheek, "I promise I'll look after your little one, and if the guys slip up the ill beat em to a pulp," he mumbled, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled, "You mean that?" She asked, he nodded and rubbed her still bloated tummy, "Course I do," he smiled and pecked her cheek.

"You're amazing Tommy," she mumbled and kissed his cheek, "I know," he smirked making her giggle.

"I love you..." She mumbled before falling asleep, he blushed and wheeled his chair back to Mick, "She said she loves me..." He whisper yelled to Mick who chuckled, "Right on bro," he said and Eric woke up sobbing, as if on cue she woke up again, walking over and holding him in her arms, rocking him and he looked up into her eyes, humming softly before falling back to sleep, she passed him over to Mick and made way to the couch again, "What was that?" Tommy said in awe, "This morning when he looked up at me, he stopped crying when he saw my eyes... I think it's because I'm his mother and he recognizes me by my eyes," she said and squirmed to get comfy.

"Or he just thinks your eyes are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!" Tommy gasped, she giggled to herself and he walked over, he laid down beside her and she rested her head on his chest, "Thank god I was pregnant huh?" She smiled up at him making him chuckle, "Still as beautiful as ever," he smiled and kissed her forehead.

She smiled and cuddled into his neck as she fell asleep.
The boys came back with a box, they began making the crib, just Nikki and Vince seen as Mick and Tommy were occupied.

"Make sure there's no lumps on the mattress, or else the little one will get back pain and be sobbing all night," Mick advised, so they made sure the mattress was sitting down properly and then put a blanket in, they put up the little charm thing that spins around in circles and then Mick stood up, "Shhh, nappy nap time," he whispered as he woke up again, he made little squeak sounds that made Nikki coo.

Y/N woke up and hummed tiredly, "Where's Eric?" She asked, "He's in here," Vince said moving out of the way of the crib, "Aww, you guys," she smiled, "Looks like someone's got a boyfriend," Nikki said and threw a wink at her making her giggle, "Shut up," she smiled making them chuckle.

Tommy held her close and sighed against her neck. "Mm... I love you..." He mumbled into her ear, she blushed and looked up at him, "I love you too," she mumbled, he smiled and held her in his hands as the two snuggled.

She sat up as she wasnt tired anymore and went over to a chair, playing a melody on the acoustic guitar which needed a desperate tune, to which she did mid song.

Eric woke up, humming and squirming on his side as he looked up at his mother. She smiled and played a few more notes, he hummed and slowly fell asleep making her giggle, "Aww, that's adorable!" Tommy squealed making her giggle.

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