Tommy Lee #33 | Where can I find a woman like that?

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-recognize the title? Hehe hehehe. Anyways, basically, Tommy Lee is in university for a degree in arts, as well as being the drummer in Motley Crue, and he finds a shy fan who becomes his best friend, soon his girlfriend.-

Tommy walked the halls, holding his binder and pencil case, his backpack on his back as he walked around trying to find class C034, a practice room.

As he found it, he saw a girl sitting there, she was gorgeous.
Brown hair, glasses on, a bit chubby and plump and she had a strat on her lap.

He watched as she played a soft melody on her guitar, she got to a solo piece that was very melodic and beautiful but fast and impressive.

She looked up and jumped.
"I-Im sorry... I can go...?" She suggested, "No! Please stay, I liked it," he smiled and put his stuff down on the floor, "It was really nice," he chuckled.

"Thank you..." She murmured, her cheeks were kind of red.
She's so cute... Tommy thought.

He smiled softly and sat beside her.
"I like your hair," he said, "Oh... Thank you, I like your music..." She murmured, "Oh really?" He beamed, he was always happy to meet fans, she nodded slowly.

"Thank you, it means a lot," he smiled and gently patted her thighs, they jiggled a bit, she put a hand on them to stop it, she was very insecure about her thighs.

"You're beautiful..." He said in awe, she blushed a bit, "T-thanks..." She squeaked out.
"Can I draw on your leg?" He asked, she nodded so he grabbed some coloured pens from his pencil case and began drawing, a few scars made it bumpy so he bit his lip in concentration and gently went over them, she felt safe, he didn't ask about them or point them out.

"What's your name?" He asked, "Y/N," she blushed, "Your name is cute," he smiled softly, "Thank you..." She giggled slightly.

He smiled and put her legs over his lap, she packed up her gear and watched as he drew little cymbals and band names.
"There, Motley Crue," he smiled and gently patted her thighs, it jiggled again so he watched, she felt sort of insecure again, watching as he jiggled her thigh fat.

"Sorry, I just really like your thighs," he chuckled.
"Really? I don't..." She said, "Why?" He pouted, "They're fat," she pouted.

"Nooo, they're just nice, they're big and soft, the way I like them," he smiled, she smirked and wiggled her brows, "Oh stop it!" He laughed making her giggle, she smiled widely making him chuckle.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked, she nodded and he wrapped his arms around her, she smelt like cherries and shampoo.

"Mm, you smell good," he said, "Thank you... You smell like Cologne and chocolate," she said, "Haha, I have a sweet tooth," he smiled, "I do too! You can probably see that though..." She blushed.

"Oh stop being so mean! I love your body, you're cute and curvy," he smiled, she blushed and giggled shyly.

He grabbed her glasses and tried them on, "Woahhh..." He said looking around, "Am I high?" He asked making her giggle, "Gimme 'em back!" She giggled and tried grabbing them but he didn't let her.

She fell on him, "I'm so sorry!" She gasped and got up, "It's okay," he chuckled and put them back on her, she could see him perfectly now, she blushed, he was underneath her, his hair everywhere and a smirk on his face.

She crawled off of him and they began talking about music.

About a year passed and he saw her walking the hallways, "Bubby!" He called, they made that nickname up for each other.
She waited for him and he jogged over, "Mwah," he smiled and kissed her cheek making her blush.

They went to a practice room and he drew on her thighs as usual.
"You should wear looser clothes..." He hummed, "I don't like too, makes me look fat," she pouted, "But baby, you're not fat, you're pretty, and kind, and cute," he smiled, kissing her cheek.

She whined slightly.
He moved and put her on his lap, she tried getting up but he held her waist.
"No, I want your attention and cuddles," he huffed, "But I'm heavy..." She whined, "No you're not... Stop being so harsh, you're absolutely gorgeous, plus, more to cuddle," he smiled and cuddled into her neck.

She blushed and played with his brown hair.
"Tommy?" She asked, "Mhm?" He hummed, "Thank you... You're the best friend I've ever had," she smiled, "Mm, nothing to thank me for," he said and lightly kissed her neck making her blush.

She giggled and poked his nose, "You're so strange," he smiled as she kept doing it, he tickled her making her laugh.
Her belly was her weakness, "Noo!" She squealed and giggled as he tickled her, he laughed with her and they giggled together.
"Noo," she smiled, he stopped and rubbed her sides.

"I love you," he smiled, "I love you too..." She blushed, "No, I love love you, like... I've been drawn to you since day one..." He said seriously.

She blushed deeply, "Me too," she giggled, he smiled and brushed her hair out of her face.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, she nodded, he leaned in and kissed her softly.

"Now, as your boyfriend, I deserve cuddles, kisses, and you gotta tell me something kind about yourself daily," he said.

"Huh?" She asked, "Tell me you're beautiful," he said, "Noo," she whined.
"Baby," he pouted.
"Please? Do it for me," he begged.

"I'm..." She paused, he nodded, "Beautiful..." She mumbled, "Damn right you are!" He smiled and reward her with a kiss.
"I love you nerd," he smiled, "I love you too fluffy," she giggled.

"I require daily cuddles," he pouted, she tripped and fell off his lap, giggling as she laid on the floor, "My pillow," he said and crawled over to her, snuggling into her chest.
"My blanket," she giggled, he smiled and held her close.

So they cuddled in the practice room for about forty minutes before they had to go to lecture Hall.
"Mmm," she pouted.
"Come on, we can hold hands and share notes," he smiled.

She walked with him, holding his hand as they went to the lecture Hall.
As they got there, he placed his hand on her thigh while her other hand held onto his, they wrote down notes and listened as their teacher went on about the importance of music.

Later on, after class, they went to get food.
"Noo!" She giggled and jumped over a puddle as he chased her.
"Come back here!" He yelled as he now had glitter on his head.

She giggled and he caught up, picking her up and tickling her making her giggle.
"Lemme go," she giggled and cuddled into his neck as he carried her around.

"Little shit," he smiled and kissed her, "You love it," she smirked.

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