Nikki Sixx #41 | Candles.

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It was such a long day at work! Oh my god, just to come home, collapse in my rock star boyfriends arms and sleep would mean the world to me!

I work as a receptionist at a busy office, so I never really got a break, answering calls and making sure printed pieces of papers went to the respective owners.

My boss was busting my ass, not giving a shit that it's my birthday, hell I think he was busting my ass because of it, thinking I was selfish for wanting a day off.

I sighed, dragging my feet to the front door, I turned back and lazily locked my car, opening the door with my keys and frowning with confusion as the house was pitch black.

I went to switch the light on but nothing worked, great, a power outage and work on my birthday!

"Babe?" I called.


I went upstairs and found Nikki in our bedroom, candles lighting up the dim room, "Baby, how long has the power been out?" I frowned, "Don't worry about that, come on," he smiled and waved me over, I sat on his lap as he slid something over, it was a box, and inside was my favourite flavour of cake.

"Babe, you shouldn't of!" I smiled, looking at the 'Happy Birthday Darling' messily written in black on the top of the cake, "Eh, I tried... May of gotten Mick's help for the cake itself, but I did the writing, obviously..." He chuckled and kissed my neck.

"How was work?" He asked, "Ugh, their assholes," I scoffed and kissed his cheek, he hummed and grabbed a knife, cutting the cake and putting it on a plate.

"What else do you have in here?" I chuckled, "I'm a man of many secrets," he smiled making me laugh.

"Secrets, it's always the same with you Nik, I swear," I smirked and we had some cake together.

"Care to explain the power outage?" I asked, "May or may not of flicked the fuses off," he smirked, "If I didn't know any better, Mr. Sixx, I'd say you were trying to kill me," I smiled, "Mm... Maybe," he grinned and kissed me softly.

"I'll take a killing from you any day," I said, brushing his black hair out from his face, "Oh, is that so?" He giggled, winking at me, "Yeah, want to show me what else you got me for my birthday?" I smirked and ran my hand down his chest, "You bet your left cheek I will," he said.

To put it lightly, I blew more than candles.

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