Nikki Sixx #39 | Shelter me.

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It was cold, raining and wind hailed loudly, Nikki went door to door, asking to stay until the rain was gone, either they said no or an aggressive boyfriend told him to scram.

He felt like his nose was going to fall off as he knocked on one last door.
The door opened, revealing a girl with gorgeous eyes, flawless skin and soft looking hair.

He didn't need to ask as she immediately gasped and dragged him inside.
"Holy shit, you're cold as ice!" She gasped, pressing her warm hands against his soft face.

"I was just about to go shower, but I see you've had a shower of your own?" She smiled softly, "U-uh huh," he shivered, teeth clacking rather loudly.

"Come on, you need it more than me," she said and grabbed his hand, "You sayin I smell?" He asked jokingly making her giggle, "Alright rockstar," she smiled and grabbed some clothes, "I know, it's probably not rock star worthy, but it's the only large clothes I got," she smiled, holding denim jeans and a yellow and black striped shirt.
She than passed over a white towel, handy.

"Thanks," he said, "Go shower, knock yourself out dude," she grinned and gently punched his shoulder, he smiled and went into the bathroom, getting undressed and sighing as the nice warm water ran down his strong back.

He got out after a few minutes, towel drying his hair and making sure everything was dry before beginning to change.

He opened the door, seeing her sitting on her bed and filing her nails down.
"Hey... Thanks for the shower, I guess I'll be going... The rain stopped and all," he said, "Oh, no don't be silly, honey!" She scoffed and got up, "It's cold and dark out there, I don't want you getting hurt," she said, "I'm a grown man," he smiled, "You may be, but I know the kind of person you are, you'll jump anyone if they piss you off, isn't that right?" She smiled, "You do know me well," he smirked.

"Indeed I do, now..." She hummed and clapped her hands together, grabbing his previous clothes and putting them in the washing machine before she grabbed his hand, "You can sleep in here tonight, I'll sleep on the couch," she smiled softly.

"No, no I'll sleep on the couch," he said, "Nikki, you shut your mouth and you shut it now," she huffed, "You will sleep on my bed, understand?" She smiled, "Sleep with me," he said, "Take me out to dinner first," she joked, he groaned making her giggle, "I'm kidding baby," she chuckled, "Go lay down and get comfy," she said, "Hey, I'm the man around here," he said, "Get," she said, "Yes maam," he said and crawled onto the bed.

She turned the light off and crawled to lay down.
"Hey... I never got to know your name..." Nikki murmured into the darkness, "Oh, right," she chuckled and rested her head against his chest, "I'm Y/N," she smiled, "Well, Y/N, thanks for giving me shelter, clothes and a place to sleep, I appreciate it," he said softly, "It's alright..." She whispered before they fell asleep laying side by side and tangled like a pretzel.

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