Tommy Lee #27 | Suits aren't for me.

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Cold air breathed passed me as I stared off into the distance, my hands going purple, a combination of bad blood flow and the cold weather, but I didn't care.

"Excuse me," I looked behind me and dare I say... Tommy Lee of Motley Crue.
But not only that... He was wearing a suit?

"Sorry... I just wanted to know if you had a lighter?" He chuckled slightly, she grabbed her black lighter from her pocket and flicked the flame for him, "Thanks," he smiled and lit his cigarette on it.

"Need one?" He asked, he handed it to her and they smoked together.

"You come here often?" He asked, "Not usually, I just came down here as I was curious to see what might go on on a day off," she smiled.

"You have every Friday off?" He hummed, "Fridays and weekends," she chuckled.

"What's your name?" He asked, "Y/N," she smiled, "I-" she cut him off before he could finish.

"I know who you are, you're Tommy Lee," she smiled, then a loud thud and the other twin groaned as he fell.

"And that, is a drunk Nikki Sixx," she chuckled.

Tommy sighed, "I'm really sorry about that..." He said and walked over to him, helping him up and taking him to the car and making him wait inside.

"Nice suit," she smirked, "Suits aren't my thing..." He said, "Could've fooled me, looks rather dashing on you," she teased, "Oh do go on," he smirked and fluffed up his hair making her chuckle.

"And that hair, damn, are you attending a wedding?" She hummed, "Ours if you like," he winked making her gasp, she let out a giggle.

"That was a good one," she smiled, "Why thank you, can I expect to see you again?" He asked.

"Yes, definitely, I hope so, drummer boy," she smiled.

"I'll see you soon lighter girl," he winked, she chuckled and shook her head as he walked off, only when he got to the drivers side did he turn to wave.


"Yes Nikki?" Tommy asked, "Was she your girlfriend?"

"Shut up..."

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