Mick Mars #17 | Pub.

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Your eyes raked along the full pub as you made way inside.
You heard the sounds of a guitar, it was Girls Girls Girls playing, but no vocals, drums or bass, just someone covering it on guitar.

You walked towards the sound and saw none other then Mick Mars sitting down, girls surrounding him to which he didn't pay attention about, meanwhile he had a cigarette between his lips.

You watched him in awe, Motley Crue is your all time favourite band, you discovered them years back when you saw their bassist performing with his ex band - London.

"Wooh!" They cheered at the end.
He looked up finally and looked directly at you, grabbing the cigarette from his lips and taking a puff before slowly standing up.

He walked over, girls hoping it was them but it wasn't.
He stopped in front of you, "New here?" He asked, you felt your heart hammering, you nodded your head shyly.

He smirked, "Nice to meet you," he said shaking your hand, "And you," you smiled.

Two years have passed since then and now you were on tour with those dorks.
You watched them jumping around and giggled as Mick turned his Girls Girls Girls guitar around and showed off the 'boobs' on the other side.

Mick and you were closest. You were close with the whole band, but Mick...
I don't know... It's just a connection you get with him.

You do have a slight crush on him, but other then that...

Vince cheered their names at the end of the show and ran off, Mick was out last as he walked, he held your hand, letting you feel the fresh calluses.

"You've got pretty eyes," he said, "Oh thank you," you murmured, blushing slightly at the sudden compliment, "So do you," you stated.

You two went outside while the others looked for groupies.
"I'm so tired," you yawned, "Same," he sighed, you rested your head on his shoulder and he blinked slowly.

"My heads spinning," he yawned, "From being so cool," I smiled making him chuckle, "Yeah yeah, whatever you say," he said sarcastically making you giggle.

He stared down at you for a while. The permanent smile on your face looked so cute, the way you traced his freckles and calluses made his stomach churn, in a good way.

He couldn't help himself, he leaned down and brought you to eye level with him, tracing your cheekbone gently with his finger and breathing in your Cologne (sorry I don't like perfume).

Your face went red, "Mick?" You asked, "Hmm?" He hummed, staring into your soul, "I-I u-um..." You stuttered blushing like a mess.

He leaned down slightly, putting his hand on your cheek and your noses touched.
You inhaled sharply and he slowly kissed you, it was loving and soft, his lips were smooth and slightly damp from this kiss.

After a minute, you two pulled away blushing.
"I- uh..." You said dumbly, he smirked at you making your knees feel week.

"I love you," he said, you squeaked at the sudden confession making him chuckle.
"I love you too... But why me and not a groupie?" You murmured.

"Groupies don't love, they just fuck. You on the other hand... You've got such pretty eyes, pretty lips... A kind heart... Fuck you're beautiful," he said, you blushed and giggled.

"You know I had the fattest crush on you? The night we met at the pub just intensified it," I said making him chuckle. "What? You look hot with shades on," I smiled.

He snickered and I held his hand. "Yoink," I said grabbing his Sunny's, I put them on and squinted, "How the fuck do you see jack shit at night?" I asked making him chuckle, "Years and years of practice," he said one handedly grabbing his glasses and putting them back on.

"Wanna make out?" I asked, he laughed with me and he held my thigh with his rough but gentle hands.
"Mm..." He said tapping his chin in thought, "Eh what the fuck right?" He smirked and grabbed me by the neck, forcing me over and kissing me.

I gasped into the kiss where he delved in with his tongue.
I tangled my hand in his hair and blushed against his lips.

"I- gonna uh... Uh... I-" I said as we broke apart, he chuckled and kissed me softly once more, "you're cute," he said, "No you," I giggled.

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