Mick Mars #1 | Quiet.

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-Your POV-

You were woken up by your brother Tommy who insisted on you meeting the band. You whined and told him you were tired and your head hurts.

He took you downstairs anyways, not caring that among your friends, you looked like a zombie.

"Tommy, I think she's dead," Vince chuckled, "She's my sister, of course she's dead," he scoffed.

He handed over medicine and you took the two pills with a small sip of water.

"Headache first thing in the morning?" Mick asked, "She never drinks, I got her to drink a pint of red wine," Tommy chuckled.

"That went so well," Vince said sarcastically, grinning at you, "I hate being a light weight, red wine tastes like shit," you finally spoke, your voice hoarse and you sounded like a metal vocalist after screaming all day.

"Jesus, you sound like shit!" Vince said, "Thank you, I appreciate your kind words," you hummed making them chuckle.

"You're an asshole, Tommy, why couldn't you wake me up later?" You groaned, "Because we're going later, fuckwit," he said and gently punches your arm.

"I hope you choke on gravel," you said making them laugh while Tommy rolled his eyes.

You were going on tour with them so you had to wake up early, something you hate severely.

"I hate alcohol," you said as you plopped down in a seat on the band bus, "Sure sure," Vince said.

You flipped him off and he returned the act, "Suck it blonde bitch," you said, he hissed like a cat at you making you giggle.

"God... Another Tommy, we're doomed," Mick sighed, "Hey! I'm way better then my annoying brother," you pouted, "Sureeeee," Nikki said.

"Wow, no one loves me," Tommy huffed, "Little bits," you smiled, "Aww, my sister loves me!" He cheered, he jogged over and kissed your cheek and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"I'm not used to such affection..." You quivered making them chuckle.
"Whatever you say baby sis," Tommy said proudly, "I'm younger by a minute," you rolled your eyes, "Still the baby," he said and rubbed your shoulder gently.

"Whatever," you said resting your head on his shoulder. "Wow... Never thought I'd see the day when the twins act so happy towards each other," Vince said shocked, "I know right? It's weird..." Nikki agreed.

Mick was being quiet as usual. He was sitting down by himself staring at the window.

Seen as your brother and you were kinda bonding, you deciding to stay seated as this is very rare.

"I still hate you though," Tommy said, "I love you too," you huffed, "You love me? Little old me?" He gasped, "I won't in a minute..." You snarled making them chuckle.

As the bus stopped, you guys got out and to a hotel that you'd be staying at for a while.

Your legs were just carrying you, JUST, Exhausted by the fact, 1. Hangover, 2. Your brother is clinging to you.

"Tommy!" You whined, "Sissy," he whined, "Your hurting me," you pouted, "Leave your sister alone Tom," Mick said as he walked passed, Tommy huffed and stood up properly, relieving your sore back.

You made way to the room you'd be staying in and put your stuff down on the bed.

After a while, you headed out and Tommy jumped out of no where and screamed making you jump, "I hate you!" You huffed and stormed down the stairs.

"Oh come on," he huffed and followed you down, "Go away, my head hurts and your annoying," you stated and laid down on a random bunk.

"Ooh, that's Mick's bunk," Tommy giggled, "I don't give a fuck, go suck it you bitch," you said.

Mick walked over and sat on the end of the bunk, resting his head against the wall as he stared out the window.

You got up and patted his arm, he turned to you and hummed. "You okay? You look bored," you stated.

"I am..." He grinned.

"Come lay down then, we can scare Tommy," you whispered the last part, he chuckled and laid beside you, the mattress to the bunk on top belonged to your brother, it was a super thin mattress so no one had luxury comfort.

You punched it making him scream and fall from the bed.
You laughed with Mick who was holding onto his chest as he laughed.

"Bitch!" Tommy yelled and punched your arm making you giggle. "Now now Tommy, didn't we learn not to hit a woman?" Mick asked as he leaned over you to move his hands away from you.

"My sister is far from a lady," Tommy scoffed, "I didn't say lady, I said woman," Mick smirked, winking at you, you scoffed and put him in a headlock and the two of you laughed as you tackled.

"No!" You screamed as he tickled your stomach, you laughed hysterically, "Mick, she's ticklish on her stomach, neck and knees," Tommy smirked, "BASTARD!" You yelled as he tickled you everywhere.

You laughed and started crying tears of joy, he chuckled and stopped, "I can't breathe," you giggled, he rested his head on your collarbone and looked out the window, his eyes staring across the room as you played with his hair.

"Mick has a girlfriend, mwah mwah mwah," Vince smirked and made kissy faces, "Oh shut up, plus, as if you could get one, you only fuck sluts," Mick said flipping him off, he huffed making you giggle.

"Your my favourite out of these idiots," you told Mick who chuckled slightly, "Even over me?!" Tommy gasped, "Depends on the day, sometimes you're a good brother, others you're an asshole," you smiled.

He huffed and climbed up to his bed.

Mick traced circles on your neck making you giggle as it tickled, "You're so weird..." He whispered, "I know," you smiled at him, he smiled back and massaged your cheek as he stared into your eyes.

"Y/N?" He asked, you hummed, no one was paying attention as they were talking while playing cards.

"I think I'm slowly falling in love with you..." He mumbled, your face went red, you smiled and kissed his cheek, "I think I am too," you told him.

He grinned and turned you onto your side to face him as he hugged you close, "Oh! Mick Harder!" Vince moaned, "Yes daddy!" Nikki gasped.

"Ew what the fuck?" You asked, "You're cuddling, means you're in love right?" Tommy asked, "Oh go to hell," you glared at them, before turning to Mick and giggling with him.

"Oh, you're in love!" Vince gasped, "Shut up," Mick said as he didn't look away from you, "Aww, I'm gonna be an uncle!" Tommy squealed happily.

Who knows... Maybe one day.

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