Nikki Sixx #47 | My drug.

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He sat in the dark room, alone in his thoughts as he looked out at the dark sky and the shining moon. It was cold in that room yet he stayed, silent and confused...

The door slowly creaked open, he jumped out of his skin and turned, grabbing his gun and pointing it at the door, only to see his girlfriend.
"Calm down baby, put the gun down..." She said softly, closing the door and walking over to Nikki.

Nikki put the gun down and sighed, letting her walk closer, she knelt down and moved his hair out of his face.
She held his bruised hands, bruised from all the injections.
"I love you sweetie," she murmured, he sighed and threw his head back, "Say it again..." He mumbled, "I love you sweetie," she said a bit louder.

He grabbed hold of her and pulled her onto his lap, "I love you too..." He murmured and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Baby, I love you so much... You always stick by my side and you make sure I don't die..." He said softly, "It's my job," she smiled softly, "I love you too much to visit your funeral, I want you to live with me forever," she said softly and grabbed his hands, putting them around her shoulders, "I love you..." She mumbled and kissed him softly.

"I..." He cut himself off as tears were slowly forming, "I love you..." His voice cracked as the waterworks started, he began crying his heart out as she held him close, resting her cheek on his head and rubbing his back.

"Y-youre the only one... W-who doesn't get mad when ... When I relapse... T-the management h-hits me and yells at me... The boys tell me to do better... I-I..." He gasped, trying not to bawl even more but he continued to cry, letting it all out.

"Shh... I know baby... I know," she said softly and kissed his head, "You stayed with me when we were kids and I was hurting myself... You stayed by my side and I'm repaying you..." She sighed and gently rubbing between his shoulder blades.

"I love you," he sobbed into her chest, his tears wetting the piece of skin revealed from her crop top, "I love you too darling, lots and lots," she said softly and kissed his forehead, smiling as he nuzzled into her chest.

"My boobs comfy?" She joked, smiling as he giggled a little, a genuine little giggle that reminded her of when they were kids.

"Mhm... Comfy and soft," he said and kissed them making her giggle a little.
"You're my everything... I love you," she said softly, holding his hands as she kissed him softly, "I love you too... Don't leave me..." He begged, "Never ever," she promised, he sunk back a bit and they laid on the window seal looking out the window together.

"I can't wait to marry you..." He whispered, "I can't wait to marry you either..." She smiled and kissed his jaw.

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