Tommy Lee #25 | Little one.

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Tommy was in awe.
Of what?

His girlfriend, she has a brother who has a son and of course she agreed to baby sit so he could work.

"You're a legend baby sis!" He said and hugged her before running to his car.

So here she was, sitting on the couch and rocking the small child.

"Hey baby Mason," she smiled, "Hmm," he hummed and she kissed his forehead.

"I love you," she giggled and hugged him close.

"I love you too..." He hummed, "Aww," Tommy said and walked over, sitting next to her.

"See? I got the cutest nephew ever," she smiled and kissed her boyfriends cheek, he chuckled and she laid little one over her lap and rubbed his tummy.

He giggled and she cooed.
"Baby chub!" She smiled widely and kissed his small hands.

"This is uncle Tommy!" She said introducing her boyfriend to her nephew, "Uncie!" He said, "Aww, hi kiddo," Tommy smiled.

"I love you Masey," she smiled, "I love you too au-au," he hummed, he calls her that instead of Auntie, and she has no problem with it at all.

"Au au," she cooed and pouted at Tommy making him chuckle.

"I wanna kiss you forever," she said kissing all over her nephews face.

He squealed and giggled making her pout.
"I love you baby cakes," she said, "I love you too," he giggled.

"What about uncle, do you love him?" She asked, he nodded, "Aww, love you too kid," he chuckled, he may have just met the kid, but he's grown attached.

As it was time to say goodbye, she pouted and handed him to her brother.
"Bye sis, bye Tommy!" He smiled and waved, "Bye dude," Tommy smiled.

They closed the door and she whined put her head in his chest.
"Why does he get to have a kid? It's no fair!" She pouted.

"You want a kid?" Tommy asked, "Mhm."

"But it's okay," she sighed, "I want one too... Seeing you with little man is absolutely adorable," he smiled.

She giggled a little and kissed him softly.

"I love you," he smiled, "I love you too," she hummed.

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