Tommy Lee #47 | Waitress.

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That skin tight suit, the leather clad body and the curves that sent men rolling.
She was so fuckin hot and as soon as Tommy saw her, he nearly drooled.

"She's mine," Tommy said, pointing straight ahead at her, the others simply whistled in her direction, "Fuck off guys, she's mine," Tommy huffed, "Make a move than," Mick said and planted his shot glass on the table, Tommy slithered out of his chair and walked on over to the curvy waitress.

"Scuse me," Tommy said, gently poking her shoulder, she turned to meet his gaze, having to look up at him, "Sorry... Did your table need serving?" She had the softest voice he had ever heard and a soft smile to match it.

He stood there like a fucking idiot, his heart pumping madly in his chest with his mouth agape.
"Sir?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Tommy shook his head to snap him out of it, "Sorry... No I just um... I wanted to say, you look really hot- I mean beautiful..." He said, thinking 'hot' was coming on too strong.

She simply went a dark shade of red, she was the innocent type.
She smiled a little and did a little curtsey, "Thank you, sir," she smiled up at him, "Oh no, don't call me sir, just um... Call me Tommy," he grinned, "Thank you Tommy," she giggled a little and shook his hand.

He stood there in shock, her hands are so soft and small in his own rough large hands.
"Hey um... When do you get out of work?" He asked, she checked her watch and than the clock to make sure her watch wasn't fast, "Fifteen minutes!" She smiled, "Wow... Okay, um... Would you like to go for a ride? With me and the boys?" He smiled, pointing over at his table of bandmates who waved a little with big smirks on their faces.

"I'd love to... You're the bikers that come around aren't you?" She giggled, he nodded, every little new noise she made made his heart soar, her giggle was perfect...
"That's awesome! I've never been on a bike before," she smiled, "I can teach you how to ride," he said, she went dark red and so did he, "I mean! I meant the-" she cut him off by giggling, "I know what you meant, I'm just a bit dirty minded is all," she giggled making him sigh with relief.

"Don't do that to a guy!" He smiled making her laugh, she waved for him to kneel down so he did as told, she had her hands by her sides and one foot resting on her behind as she kissed his cheek with a smile.

"I'll be happy to 'ride' with you," she giggled, he went bright red and smiled down at her, "Nice to hear," he smiled, tilting his head to the side to kiss her cheek, leaving his bright pink lipstick on her cheek.

She smiled and waved, making way to finish her orders for the night as he sat with the boys who teased him.

"Tommy's got a girlfriend~" Nikki teased making Tommy grumble, "Shut up, fuckin teenagers," Mick huffed and drank from his vodka bottle, "Thank you Mick, man I thought I'd never say that... But thanks man!" Tommy sighed.

Instead of the skin tight suit she was originally wearing, she came out wearing black leather jeans, platform boots and a black halter top with a fishnet shirt over the top.

"Woah..." Tommy said in awe, "Come on man, go with your girl!" Nikki cheered, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him to stand, he got up and blushed a little, grabbing hold of her hand.

"What's your... Your name?" He asked, "I'm Y/N!" She smiled widely up at him, he nodded his head with a smile and the boys pretended to vomit.

"Eww~ singer!" She joked, Vince gasped loudly and gently shoved her, "I like teasing him, he's come here before, each time I bully him," she told Tommy who chuckled softly.

"What's the coolest part of the band?" Vince asked, she thought for a moment with a big smile, "Tommy... Tommy don't be upset..." She said and held his hands, "I think drums are badass, all of the pieces are badass but... But... Guitar is just... It's just the sexiest and loudest and dirtiest in my heart," she shrugged, getting a subtle smirk from Mick.

"Fuck you Mick..." Nikki huffed, "Fuck you, you fucking teenagers," Mick glared making Y/N giggle.

"Come on guys, we're going riding, I gotta teach her how to hold on tight," Tommy huffed, "Yeah yeah, we're getting there..." Nikki said and they stood up, she gently tripped Vince who stumbled a little, "Fuckin hell! Stop it!" He whined making her giggle evilly, "Muahahaha!" She cheered and held Tommy's hand as they walked outside.

"You're more suited for Mick than Tommy," Nikki said, "But I like hopeless romantics..." Y/N smiled and looked up at Tommy who gave her a little smile.

The door opened and she followed Tommy over to his bike.
"You boys sure like your Harley's," She smiled, "Mmmhm~" Nikki nodded and hopped on his bike, along with Vince.

"Come on, pretty lady, sit behind me," Tommy said, patting the seat behind him, she sat behind him and put her arms around his waist, "It's just like riding a bike, yet no pedals," he smiled and the boys zoomed off down the road, Mick got in his red on red corvette and sped away.

She held onto Tommy's waist and rested her head on his back, "You ready?" He asked, revving up the engine, "Yeah!" She called over the engine, he drove out of the parking lot, not going too fast as to not scare her, she simply giggled and put her legs around his hips, resting them on his thighs making him smile as he drove to a getaway point, a large hill where couples made out and such.

He parked his motorbike and they sat down on the floor, staring at the night sky together.
"Hey Tommy?" She asked, "Yeah?" Tommy asked, "I really like you," she smiled softly and held his hand, he smiled a little, "I really like you too, Y/N," he smiled softly, she giggled a little and kissed him softly.

"Hopeless romantics together~" she smiled, "Indeed we are," he smiled and held her hand, head on her shoulder as they looked at the night sky.

"Lovers~" they turned to see Nikki and Vince behind a tree, "Fuckin stalkers! Get outta here!" Tommy yelled making them laugh as they ran to their bikes and drove away.

Y/N giggled, kissing his forehead and playing with his long hair, letting him lean against her body, "Don't worry about them, darling..." She smiled and rubbed up and down his torso.

He simply smiled, hand on her thigh as he cuddled up to her.

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