Nikki Sixx #42 | Downfall of us all.

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Nikki X O/C Rockstar = Cherry Pristine.

"Ugh, nothings on!" Tommy groaned, they were at Nikki's house after band rehearsal, well, three out of four were, Mick was of course no where to be seen, and I can't really say I blame him... Would you be in a house that constantly smelt like sex, trash, dead rats and off food? No...? Me neither.

"Man this sucks!" Nikki huffed, dramatically throwing his head back, the blonde stood up and slammed his fist against the box tv, the white noise pausing to a halt and flicking onto the news channel.

They all sat up as there was breaking news, "Watch it be a shooting..." Tommy sighed softly, "I fuckin' hope not man..." Vince frowned, they listened closely, "Man, where the fuck is the remote?" Tommy asked searching around, Nikki waved his hand around blindly on the table before picking up the remote and turning the volume up.

"Sad news today, female rock n roll star found critically injured after a high speed impact... Travelling at 68miles per hour, colliding with a tree," They spoke, showing a picture of a cherry red 67 Chevy, "That's Cherry's car!" Vince yelled, they all paled as they continued to listen in.

"No, it's a coincidence right?" Nikki chuckled nervously, hoping and praying it wasn't his long time friend, well, whom he hoped would soon be more than that, but if she's... 

He shook that thought away and watched further, on-lookers fled to the scene and ran over to see, seeing police officers putting up caution tape and paramedics loading the injured into a car, "Scuse me!" The camera man called and tried getting the scope, the police shoved their hands in the camera and got them to back away.

"Cherry Pristine, currently on life support, will she make it out alive?"

They all paled at that, before the other two could even stop Nikki, the man got up, tears in his eyes as he dashed out of his house, starting up his car and speeding all the way to the hospital, biting his lip as tears began overwhelming him. No, this couldn't be happening, not to his sweet Cherry, the love of his life... 

He was a mess, sprinting inside before he had the chance to explain who he was to the reception, "Hey!" They called and got guards to go after him, he just ran, ran and ran.
Before coming to a stop when he saw her, he halted and ran inside, "Cherry!" He gasped, seeing her covered in bandages, her legs elevated and her face covered in stitches and bruises.

"Cherry!" He sobbed and cried into her neck, "Come on sir," A guard said, "No!" He screamed, "I'll sign in, whatever the fuck you want, but I'm not leaving Cherry!" He barked, they lured him to the reception and he signed in, showing ID and proof he knew Cherry, showing them a photograph of the two of them holding each other close and smiling widely under a blossom tree.

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend," A guard said, luring him back to the room, "She's not... Just the one that got away, I suppose..." Nikki murmured, sniffling as he sat by Cherry and grabbed her hands, "I love you," He whispered.

Days went on, months went on, fuck, even a year went on.

Til one day, the advised pulling the plug.

He refused, they kept her going, deciding to let the poor man into the hospital every night, he grew facial hair, his hair a mess and the band thought he looked like a sack of shit, not completely far from the truth either.

He'd sit by her, kiss her hands and read to her, he even sang for her, grabbing his acoustic guitar, even his bass at times and singing her a melody.

Though, it was a miracle, just like that... She awoke, eyes darting around and spotting a man with disheveled hair, she gasped in fright, hyperventilating as she didn't recognize him, truth be told, he didn't recognize himself most times he saw himself in the shower.

He looked up, in a daze, "Mm, Cherry," He hummed, putting his head down before flinging it back up, "Cherry! You're awake!"  He screamed and hugged her tightly, slamming his hand on the nurse button and a nurse ran in, he was so over-joyed he wouldn't let go of her.

He was kissing all over her face and stroking her hair, sighing happily like a cat as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Nikki..." She sniffled and hugged him, easing a bit as he held her in his strong arms.
"I love you," She whispered, "I love you too,"  He said, tracing her scars, "Nikki, I'm fucked up," She sighed, "I am too," He said, "No, I tried to kill myself Nik," She sighed softly, he frowned, "Why...?" He frowned, "I love you... But you just... You're so much better than what I could ever deserve," She murmured and played with his hair.

"Are you kidding? Woman I sat here since day one sobbing into your arms for hours a day, I'm built for you, you're built for me. Babe, we can rock this world by storm," Nikki frowned and kissed her cheek.

She smiled softly and nodded her head, "I love you Nik, when all this is over, you'll take me home... Right?" She murmured, "You bet ya, your Chevy looked beat up..." He mumbled, "Fuck the Chevy," She chuckled and kissed him softly.

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