Tommy Lee #3 | "Look out!"

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Your books were close to your chest as you walked outside to go to lunch.
You just had math which was... Hell.

Honestly math is so boring.

You looked around, "Hey! Look out!" You heard a guy call, you turned... Bad move!
The football hit you in the face, your books fell to the floor as you grabbed your nose.

"I am so fucking sorry!" Tommy said as he ran up to you, he was in a few of your classes, you had a small thing for him, which hopefully isn't obvious.

You shrugged it off and he grabbed your books and held them as he took you to the nurses office.
"She's not in... I'll do it then," he said and helped you to the bed, you had to hop up as you were short.

He chuckled and gently dabbed at your nose.
You flinched slightly, "Sorry, tell me if anything is hurting you," he said softly, you nodded and he gently touched around your eye, you whined and flinched away.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry..." He said softly, "It's okay," you mumbled, clearing your throat, he smiled a bit and held a tissue against your lip.

"You're really pretty... I didn't even notice you standing there, Vince warned me too late I guess," he chuckled.

Vince was a year older and always teased Tommy for being the baby of the friend group.
You smiled a bit and he put an ice pack against your eye.

"Let's go sit down together," he smiled.

Holy shit, maybe he should hit you more often.

You walked with him down to where he was sitting originally and Vince greeted you.
"Damn, fucked you up real good," Vince said, " Vince!" Tommy huffed, "Right, sorry," Vince apologized.

"It's okay," you mumbled and put your hands on the table, "Do you do that?" Tommy asked as he touched your wrist, you paused and shrugged, looking down, "I'm sorry," he said and held your hand.

You smiled a bit and they spoke about random shit.
"So do you want to watch us jam some time?" Vince asked, "Mhm, sure," you said.

"Nice!" They cheered making you giggle.

You knew they were in a band but you didn't know much about it.
So when you finally made it to their place, you saw the guitarist laid out on the couch and the bassist covered in sheets of what you could only imagine to be lyrics.

"This is Y/N," Vince said, "Sup," the guitarist said from the couch.
"This is Nikki, and that's Mick," Tommy said, you nodded and he pulled up a seat for you.

"Listen to this," Vince said, holding headphones and playing something.

You listened to it and saw them all looking at you intently.
Maybe they don't get many people around to listen.

As the song ended you smiled.
"I like it, I'll be your biggest fan," you giggled, "Fuck yeah!" They all screamed and even the chill guitarist was jumping around with them making you giggle.

Nikki smiled and walked over, "Sorry, I don't talk much when I'm in the lyrical zone," he said, "All good, nor do I," you smiled.

"You write?" He asked, "Mhm, not as good as you guys," you smiled.

He chuckled a bit.

"So are you Tommy's girlfriend?" He wiggled his brows, "What! No?!" You blushed making him chuckle.

"Tommy, you're in luck, she likes you back," Nikki said.

"REALLY?!" Tommy yelled.

"I-" you said looking at him in shock.
"Wanna make out and make babies?" He asked jokingly making you laugh.

"You're great," you giggled, "Doll we haven't even started," he wiggled his brows making you giggle.

"You guys are sick fuckers," you smiled as you stood up, "Yeah, and you're a short fucker," Vince said, "Go suck it blondie," you said making them all 'ooh'.

"Oh yeah?" He asked getting close, "Yeah, don't step too close, you're in nut cracking distance," you said making them laugh.

You giggled and sat down with them as they went over music.

"Hey Y/N, what do you think I should write, 'when I get high-'," Nikki said.

You hummed, thinking hard for a minute.

"GET HIGH ON SPEED!" You gasped, they all took it into consideration and wrote it down.

Vince sang in a weird voice making you snicker.
"Suck it," he said, "Suck my tits you whore," you said.

"No that's Tommy's job," he said, you saw Tommy wiggled his brows making you giggle.

"I feel like I wouldn't know you two if Tommy didn't whack me in the face with that football," you smiled, "You did what?" Mick asked, "it was an accident!" Tommy pouted.

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