Nikki Sixx #30 | New Rockstar.

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Nikki was with the other three, Mick was chilling in the corner, Tommy was playing with his drumsticks and Vince was bored out of his fucking mind, so was Nikki.

They were waiting to meet some new band that their manager had said was great for them to meet.
"What's so great about these bozos anyways?" Tommy grumbled like a little kid, earning an absent minded smack to the back of the head from Mick.

"Oww," he whined and rubbed his head.
Vince groaned and chugged more vodka.
"Chug!" Nikki and Tommy chanted, he put the now empty bottle down making them cheer like teenage boys.

"They'll be here any minute now, they said they're sorry and that they got caught in traffic," Doc explained, grabbing a few things and smirking slightly.

"I think you boys are gonna love this band," he hummed, snickering slightly as he walked off.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Vince scoffed.

Sure enough, there was a knock at the door.
"Vince, you get it," Tommy said, "Why do I gotta get it?" He whined, "You're closest," Nikki answered, "Wh-" before he could reject, Mick gave him a glare, he groaned and got up, opening the door.

Surprised to see a pack of four girls at the door.
He held it open and they walked in.
The drummer was basically jumping around with energy, I think that's a drummer thing there.

She spotted Tommy who was looking at her in awe.
Then Nikki had his eyes on the guitarist, what? Not the bassist?
I know, shocking.
She stood there looking bored out of her brain, she got a slap over the head by who we guessed was the singer as she had no equipment.

The guitarist glared at the vocalist, if looks could kill, the vocalist would be dead.

"Anyways..." Mick said cutting off the silence, the bassist was married, just like Mick was, so she sat by him and they sat in silence.

"What are your names?" Vince asked, "I'm Veronica, this is Maple, and this is Y/N," The singer said, Maple was the drummer, the guitarist was Y/N.

"And that's Imogen," She said pointing at the bassist who was lost in a conversation about how dumb both of their band members were.

"Except Y/N, she's cool," Imogen said, "Hah!" The guitarist yelled and slapped the singer over the head and cackled her ass off.

"You girls sure are something..." Vince said as he eyed the singer, "Ew," Y/N booed and backed away.

"You guys are horny as fuck, I'm outta here," Y/N said and went to exit but Maple picked her up making her yelp.

"No leaving, we made a deal," Maple huffed.

As she remembered that she made a deal to get to have a new guitar is she went along, she huffed and stomped over to the corner, sitting down and playing on her guitar unplugged.

A few sounds of crackle met their ears before the room went pitch black.
"Well fuck," Mick said, Y/N giggled at his reaction, at this point she was full on laughing.

"Would you shut the fuck up?" Veronica asked, "Oh shut up and have fun, I know I am," she giggled and grabbed her lighter, flicking it so a small light appeared, she crawled over to the opposite wall where she found candles.

She lit them and placed them around so they could see in the dark.
"This feels like a summoning ritual," Veronica stated, "Oh please... Oh mighty Lord... Give us a better vocalist," she begged making the boys laugh, Veronica flipped her off making her smirk.

"Oh suck it," Veronica said, "No thanks, I prefer my men to actually have a dick," she cackled, Veronica rolled her eyes before laughing as well.

"You girls are mental," Tommy said, earning a peck to the cheek by the drummer; Maple.
He blushed and Y/N snickered.

"Love is in the air," she sang, she bumped into Nikki, "Ow," she said and rubbed her head, "You good?" He asked, "Nah, I'm dying, wow, suing you," she scoffed and rubbed her head, obviously joking.

He chuckled and helped her up, pulling her down to sit beside him.
He thought she was absolutely beautiful.
Long brown frizzy hair, soft features and fuck her waist was amazing.

"Hi," she said, "Hello," he said and shook her hand as they giggled at the strange acquaintance.

"God I'm tired," Imogen yawned, "Same, why dont we just bail? We're not doing anything but sitting in the dark," Y/N suggested, "Good idea, you twisted Barbie's comin or stayin?" Veronica asked as she got up.

The boys stood up as well and followed them out into the hallway.
"Woah!" Y/N yelled as she almost fell down the stairs, thanks Nikki for grabbing her just in time.

"Thanks," she chuckled and the boys all got their lighters and helped them go down the stairs seen as it was so dark.

She opened the front door and it was about nine o'clock at night.
"Where we goin?" She asked, "Let's go get food, I'm hungry," Veronica said.

"Okay, lead the way," Nikki said, the girls got on their bikes, "Ayee, you girls ride?" Tommy asked, "No, this is a toy," Y/N said with sarcasm, she revved up the motor and snickered, "BYE!" She yelled and sped down the road.

"Motherfucker!" Maple yelled and chased after her.
Veronica went as well, "It's a tradition of the band, who can get there first, Toodle pip," Imogen said and waved as she drove down the road.

"What weirdos," Mick said, "I think it's cool!" Tommy laughed and the other three agreed as they also roared down the road.

As they got there, the other three girls were grumbling while Y/N had a smirk on her face.
"Oh come on! I gave a 15 second head start at the lights!" She huffed.

"Yeah, you girls just suck," Imogen agreed as she came second even though she was the one who left last.
The girls giggled and leaned against their bikes.

To say Nikki fell head over heels for Y/N was an understatement.

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