Mick Mars #30 | Uncomfortable? But with you, I'm safe.

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Mick was sitting in the backstage room.
The other three were drunk and flirting with a random girl.
"Leave her alone!" Mick finally barked, she looked uncomfortable, she lightened up a bit.
"Come sit here love," he said patting the seat beside him, she walked over and sat down.

"What the fuck?" Nikki slurred, "Have some fucking respect," Mick frowned and they whined and walked around the venue.

"Sorry about that," Mick sighed, "It's okay, I promise," she smiled shyly.
"So what's your name?" He asked, "I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said and he smiled and chuckled slightly as she was getting irritated by the loose strand dangling in front of her, he tucked it behind her ear and smiled.

"You're very beautiful," he noted, "I... Thank you," she stated, "You're very handsome, the boys seem to make you age more, well-not like you look bad I mean-" she blushed, he chuckled.

"No it's fine, I get what you means, at times it feels like they make my back worse," he smiled, "Does anything help?" She asked.

"If you mean a cure, no, it's a curse. But to ease the pain, meds and warm water," he explained, "I take lots of pills, I have diabetes so I look buggered," she giggled making him chuckle.

"How old are you?" He asked, "I'm your age," she said, "You look good for 36," he stated.

"Thank you, you look really good for 36," she smiled, "Are you trying to top my compliments?" He asked, a raised brow of amusement.
"Maybe..." She smirked.

"Oh you tease," he said in a posh accent as he battered his eyes, she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're definitely who I'd rather talk to then the boys," he smiled, "I'm so smart, that's why," she nodded proudly, "Oh shush," he chuckled.

She giggled and played with his soft hair, he didn't mind, however he nearly snapped Tommy's arm once for trying to play with his hair.

"Hey Mick, what's the best thing about being a musician?" She asked, "Seeing our fans, I was going to say touring, but jet lag and going hotel to hotel is tedious," he shrugged.

"Can I call you Micky Mouse?" She pouted, "No fuckin way," he said without hesitation, "Aww man, what about Marsy?" She asked, he shook his head.

She went through names.

"How about alien?!" She gasped, he shrugged, "Handsome?" She asked, he only smirked making her giggle.

"Okay, you're handsome from now on," she said, "I know," he jokingly winked making her laugh.

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