Mick Mars #10 | Interview.

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After an interview with Motley Crue, you went outside for some air.
You were never good with cameras on you, especially if it meant you had to interview Motley Crue, of all bands... Your favourite band.

It didn't help that the guitarist kept smirking at you every time you looked over at him.
His long black hair looked so fluffy and perfect.

You took in a deep breath and took a sip from your water.
"Jamie?" You jumped and turned, seeing Mick. Just standing there, his hair a mess as usual and his sunglasses on his forehead.

"Mhm?" You asked, he walked over and your back hit the wall, he traced your cheekbones with the back of his index finger.

"Why do you get so nervous?" He asked, you could barely breathe now let alone answer the question.

"I..." You paused, "I don't know... Not a camera person I guess," you told him, "And your constant staring at me..." He hummed and made a 'tsk tsk' noise, "If I didn't know any better, love, I'd say you were checking me out," he smirked.

"Me? Why?" You asked trying to be cocky.
"Oh please... You were staring at me most of the time, just because I wear sunglasses doesn't mean I can't see you..." He said and carressed your jaw gently.

"It's cute... How flustered you get..." He smirked, "I'm not flustered, you're flustered," you said and mocked his actions, grabbing his jaw, but as soon as you felt his soft skin you stopped.

He smirked and held your hand against his jaw. "Honey, I'm not the one backed against a wall turning scarlet," he said.

"I... Well you would be but I don't want to hurt your back..." You mumbled, "Aww, how caring," he chuckled and you stuck your tongue out at him, he did the same and winked at you making you giggle.

"Come on princess," he said and took you inside.
You made way to the lounge and sat down.
"What's your biggest dream?" He asked, you thought for a while, before shrugging.

"I saw something click, your eyes twinkled," he said, "I don't know..." You shrugged.
He raised a brow, "Honey... If I were you, I'd work on your acting skills," he smirked.

"Music I guess... I wanted to do that when I was younger. My mother didn't let me, she told me it was a man's job and women should stay home, so I gave up my dreams to make her proud," you said.

"Do you ever think about yourself?" He asked, you parted your lips, and shrugged.
"You're the one with the dreams. Who gives a fuck what she thinks? I mean... I could teach you..." He continued.

"Heh, imagine that, lessons with Mick Mars, that would be a good tv show," you smiled making him chuckle.

"Ooh! Or lessons with Alien from Mars!" You said getting excited as you squeezed his hand slightly, he smiled at you making you blush and stop, "Sorry," he said.

"No go on, you're cute when you're happy," he smiled, you blushed and giggled.

"Shut up you," you smiled making him chuckle.

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