Nikki Sixx #13 | Storms.

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Cold was what it was. The night just got worse, temperature wise for the boys. They were outside of the hotel rooms in the hall, shivering as they made way to grab their stuff from the bus.

It began raining, loud and aggressive as they tried to speed up a bit.
That's when Nikki saw her.

She looked beautiful considering she was drenched. As loud claps of lightning made the sky go bright white for about 0.3 seconds, she jumped and ran inside.

She didn't even care where she was going, just anywhere away from the storm.
Nikki watched as she ran away down the hall, "I wonder what her problem is," he told Tommy who shrugged and grabbed a box, Vince took it from at the top of the stairs and they created a pile.

"Obviously, she's scared of storms," Mick said. "Scared? Why?" Nikki snorted, "Some people don't like how loud and close they get," Mick shrugged.

"Heh... Funny," he chuckled, Mick rolled his eyes and they put stuff inside.
Later on when Nikki was bored, he was going to play a prank on a staff member, that is until he heard whimpering.

He paused and walked slower, making his foot steps stealthy and deadly quiet. The whimpers turned into sobs as the thunder got louder and roared loudly, lightning flashed outside.

He turned the corner and saw the same girl from before, still soaked and still very much scared of lightning. He felt bad for thinking it was funny now.

He knelt down, "Hey?" He asked softly, she jumped and looked up at him, trying to stop crying.

"Not a thunder fan?" He asked, she shook her head. "Not big on loud noises?" He questioned, "Depends, I only like certain things loud..." She sniffled, "Like what?" He asked as he sat beside her, playing with her soft hands, "Mm, rock n Roll, I like that loud," she said, giving a small smile, he grinned, "My kinda girl," he winked.

She giggled and the thunder got louder and louder.
She crawled closer and cling to him, burying her head in his shoulder and crying into his arms.

"Hey... It's okay," he hushed softly. "I promise it can't hurt you," he said. She rested the side of her tear stained cheek on his neck, "See? It's leaving now," he said as it went more quiet.

"Thank you... For staying with me... And not thinking of me as a freak," she mumbled, "I'm scared of lightning and thunder because my dad used to come home drunk and he'd beat me..." She murmured.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and held her close. "There's nothing to fear anymore baby..." He mumbled. "Thank you Nikki..." She mumbled, he smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

Apparently she knew who he was, he rubbed her back and sighed. "We should get you in some more warm clothes, do you have a room?" He asked, she nodded.

"Alright, come on," he smiled, she got up and gave him a hand, "What a gentleman," he said making her giggle, he smiled at the cute sound and held her hand as he followed her.

"This is the one," she said grabbing her keys and walking in. She waved him inside and he followed her in.

"You're tall," she said, "I get that a lot," he chuckled, "I've seen you around, but I didn't know you were so tall up close," she said looking up at him, he chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Go shower darling," he said, she blushed and nodded, "You can sit, eat something, do anything, I'll be back," she said, he nodded, "I'll be here," he grinned making her giggle as she walked off.

When she came out, she wore black satin pajamas, shorts for bottoms and a singlet for a top.

"Nice pair," he said playing with the thin band on her strap, "Yeah yeah, clean mind here Nikki," she teased making him chuckle.

"Shortie," he whispered, "I'm not short!" She huffed, "Shorter then Mick," he said, "REALLY?!" She gasped, he nodded. "Fuck..." She said making him laugh.

"I bet it's your boots," she huffed, he took them off and she came up to his chest, "Damn you!" She hissed making him chuckle as he hugged her.

His warm arms felt relaxing, she nuzzled into him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "You're an old fart," she said, "Hey!" He huffed making her giggle. She smiled brightly making him chuckle softly.

"You're so beautiful..." He said, "Mm... You're handsome, don't get us stuck in a complimenting loop," she said making him chuckle.

"You are..." He said, she giggled and poked his nose. "You smell like good Cologne," she said, "Dang," he huffed, "Hmm?" She asked, "Mick put it on me, saying girls will love me now that I smell good, bastard," he scoffed making him laugh.

"If you're the cool bassist you are, and the relaxing guy you are now, mixed with how funny you are, any girl would be head over heels for you," she smiled.

"Are you?" He asked, "Maybe, you'll have to make me absolutely in love," she teased, "Oh yeah?" He smirked, "Yeah, what's your technique gonna be?" She smiled, "Oh something simple..." He shrugged, grabbing her chin and bringing his lips to hers.

It was slow and gentle as they kissed, he rubbed down her waist and stopped at her tail bone, "Something like that," he shrugged.

"Mm, not yet, you might have to really wooh me over," she smiled, "Oh really?" He grinned, she nodded making him chuckle as he kissed her softly.

They hugged for a while and she rested her head on his chest, "I'm glad you're here..." She said, "I'm glad I met you," he said.

"You got a big butt," she giggled and squeezed his butt, he laughed and grabbed her hand, "Naughty girl," he said and slapped her over the bum making her giggle.

"Lightning storms aren't scary sweetheart, I'll make them seem fun, somehow," he sighed.

A day later he met up with them, they questioned where the hell he was as they went to the bus. "Just out for a bit I guess," he shrugged, turning his head and shooting a wink and blowing a kiss her way making her blush, she sent one back and waved, he smirked and waved as they made way to the bus.

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