Nikki Sixx #12 | Shy nerd.

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The boys were waiting on the new chick who was supposed to do their makeup and hair. They could do it themselves but it saves time to have others do it for them.

Nikki was about to check as he opened the door, scaring the shit out of himself and the girl who was about to open the door. "Sorry, I was just about to check on you," he chuckled, "It's okay..." She mumbled, her voice was very quiet, as if she muttered through slightly parted lips, her lips didn't move much when she spoke, she kinda looked like a ventriloquist.

He thought she was very beautiful, natural blonde/ginger hair- (like this)

He thought she was very beautiful, natural blonde/ginger hair- (like this)

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And shining dark green eyes- (like this).

He put her bag on the white wobbly table and sat down at the stool

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He put her bag on the white wobbly table and sat down at the stool. "Who's first, boys?" He asked, "I'll go, fuck it," Tommy said and sat in front of the mirror.

"Hair first or makeup?" She mumbled, "Either one you want is fine," he shrugged.
She grabbed her makeup, but first did a small cleanser to his face, "God that feels nice," he sighed, "Better then sex huh?" Vince cackled making the boys all laugh, "No, but close," Tommy said.

She peeled the mask off and put it in the bin, "What does that do anyways?" He asked, "Let's your pores breathe, it also makes your skin smell nice," she said, "I can't smell my own face though," he sighed.

"I'm sure someone would love to smell your sweaty face after a show," she mumbled making him laugh.

She did the base and he fiddled with his drumsticks. "Keep your head up," she said grabbing his jaw and doing his eyeliner gently on the waterline.

"Ooh demanding," he wiggled his brows, she stuck her tongue out at him making him chuckle.

"Who next?" Tommy asked after she did his lipstick, "Vince," Mick elected, Vince shrugged while she gently did his hair.

"Your hair is so tangle already," she said as she brushed it gently, "You're really gentle, I can barely feel that," Tommy said as she brushed his lengths, "I had an uncle who would slap me on the back of the head with the brush if I didn't stop whining in pain," she told him, "Dang... He sucks," Tommy said, "Not much though, he got divorced 17 times," she said, wiggling her brows at him in the mirror making him chuckle.

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