Mick Mars #19 | Looks that kill.

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Mick sat on the comfiest chair, a bottle of Jack in his hand while a cigarette was lazily placed between his lips.
He was dozing off to sleep based off of how boring it was in the backstage room.

"Fuck I'm tired," he said as he raked his hand through his long black hair.
"Same..." Nikki groaned, suddenly, Mick got up and walked out, perfect timing.

Just as he opened the door, over walked a beautiful girl... Long black hair and dark green eyes.

"After you..." She said, "Ladies first," he chuckled, she giggled and moved out the way so he closed the door behind him.

"You guys were amazing," she smiled, "Oh, thank you," he blushed, he had never seen someone so beautiful, "I'm Y/N," she said, "Uh... You know my name, right?" He asked, she giggled and nodded.

"Where are you headed?" He asked, "Taking a walk down town, I was bored so I figured I'd go for a walk," she shrugged.

"Can I join?" He asked, "Yeah of course," she smiled.
He held out his hand and she took it, they walked down the hall together.

"Aww, they're in love..." Tommy cooed, Mick, without looking, gave them the bird over his shoulder making her laugh, she waved at the boys who made kissy faces to which she giggled at and followed Mick around.

"Don't mind them, they're idiots," he told her, "I know, I feel bad for you Mick, being the only somewhat sane one," she giggled making him chuckle.

His hands were gentle, even though they felt rough from playing guitar, they were soft...
"You're lucky, having big hands... Guitar sucks for me, I got tiny hands," she said, "You play?" He asked, she nodded, just when he thought she couldn't get any better.

She had a black singlet on, black shorts on, fishnets and black boots on to top it off.
Mick placed his leather jacket around her and ruffled her hair up.

She smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Sit," she said, he sat on the bench and was confused when she walked behind him, before she began massaging his back.

"I heard you had a bad back..." She said, "Yeah... It's a curse," he murmured, "My father had it," she told him and massaged his shoulders, "You've got beautiful hair," she giggled.

"Thank you... You do too," he chuckled slightly.
"You're my favourite of the boys," she told him as she massaged up his neck, "Really? Why?" He asked, "You're chill and relaxed... Nikki I feel is too troubled at the moment, I understand as I never really had a motherly bond either... Tommy is very energetic, Vince... He's just a huge whore," she chuckled making him laugh.

"You won't tell him I said that right?" She asked, he shook his head, "Thank god," she giggled and played with his black silky hair.

"You look good in black," she said, "It's everyone's colour," he smiled, "Black, Red, Dark colours suit you," she smiled and sat beside him.

"I feel like anything would suit you," he said as he looked into her eyes, "Mm... No pink," she smiled, he chuckled and looked into her eyes.

They stared for a while, before Mick gently cupped her face.
"I'm... Sorry..." He said embarrassed.

She cupped his face and gently kissed him.
"I'm sorry," she teased, he chuckled and shook his head.

"I feel like those love sick idiots," he said making her laugh.

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