Mick Mars #5 | The difference.

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Mick was often in the parking lot with the boys for a smoke break. Each time they were down there he would find the same girl there, sitting on the concrete brick which stops cars from driving off the edge. Her hair was black and her eyes so green you could see them from a mile away.

Her beautiful body always captivated Mick, good thing he wears sunglasses. His eyes were always on her. He looked like a love sick puppy as he stared at the woman.

She looked so pretty and pale. He just wanted to snatch her up and have him to himself, as creepy as that sounds from a strangers perspective.

He often saw her glancing their way, staring at them as they laughed and smoked.

As he saw her again today, he noticed she looked slightly upset. Her head in a book and she sometimes looked up.

She stared right at him, her eyes looking at his frame, covered in black and his black hair in a pony tail with his cap on.

He put his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and winked at her, she blushed so bright he could see it from the other side of the parking lot as she looked away.

He chuckled and Tommy looked over. "Ooh, she's pretty," he said, "I know, I call dibs," Mick said making them chuckle.

He walked over and the boys cheered him on, he turned and flipped them off as he made way to her. "Hello," he said, "Hi..." She mumbled and placed her bookmark in.

"So what's your name?" He asked as he sat beside her, "Y/N," she smiled, "I'm Mick, nice to meet you," he said and shook her hand.

"I know your name," she said, "Oh, why didn't ya tell me?" He joked and gently slapped her thigh making her giggle.

"How come you're down here often?" He asked, "Eh, just a nice spot to relax," she shrugged.

"Why don't you come relax with us?" He asked, "Alright," she chuckled and followed him to the guys.

"She knows who you are," Mick said, "Creepy," Vince said, she rolled her eyes, "Who's the hottest here?" Tommy wiggled his brows making her giggle.

"You're all handsome," she said, "I said hot, like who would you make out with sober," he said making her snort.

"Ugh... Mick probably," she said, "REALLY?! AN OLD MAN!" Nikki yelled, "You're an old man," she said making him flip her off.

"Kiss it fuck boy," she said making them laugh.
"Let's go," Vince said.
"You comin?" Mick asked, she shrugged and followed.

He held the door open for her and they went to the lounge to sit on the floor.
"Okay, how about Tommy, truth or dare?" Nikki asked, "Uh... Truth," Tommy said.

"When's the last time you fucked?" He asked, "About a week ago," he said, she saw Mick playing with his nails boredly.

"Y/N! Truth or dare?" Vince asked, "Dare," she said. "Kiss Mick," He snickered.
They all ooed while she rolled her eyes.
She crawled to Mick, she put her hands in his hair and kissed him before making way to her seat.

"Ooh," they all teased making her roll her eyes. She looked back at Mick who smirked at her.

His beautiful eyes twinkled before they went back to the game.
As she left the apartment, she felt an arm tug hers gently.
"Hey.. I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow?" Mick asked, "Yeah of course!" She smiled, he grinned and pecked her cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled, "Room 146," I smiled, he nodded and went inside while she walked off.


His knuckles patted at her door, she opened up, wearing a black leather crop top which covered her waist up, leather jeans and a leather jacket... Lots of leather!

"You look great," Mick said as he eyed her body, eyes looking on the small bit of skin hanging out.

"Thank you... You do as well, but I guess being a bad boy rocker makes you pretty hot," she hummed making him chuckle.

They hung out in the lounge and she giggled as he pulled silly faces, "You're so great Micky," she giggled and hugged him making him chuckle.

"Hey... Y/N?" He asked, she hummed, "Do you want to reenact that kiss?" He smirked, she blushed and giggled, "I don't know... Depends how good at kissing you are," she smiled, gently brushing his hair out of his face and looking into his eyes.

He slowly leaned in and connected their lips. "You are a good kisser..." She smiled, "The best," he smirked, she giggled and played with his hair, "You're very pretty..." He said, "So are you," she mumbled.

They laid cuddled on the couch, her hands rubbing his back as he cuddled into her neck.
"You're the most handsome in the band, for sure,"  she smirked making him chuckle, "You're the most beautiful in the world..." He said and kissed her softly once more.

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