Mick Mars #45 | Terror.

443 5 0

-mentions of shooting-
-she's 16-

The boys heard gun shots so they immediately started heading for cover, running down the street, including Mick who ran after them and they hid in an alley way.

They saw a girl run passed, forever traumatized as they saw her fall to the ground, they heard her scream in agony and heard her cries, Mick quickly scuttled out from behind the trash and knelt down to her, looking left and right for signs of the shooter but it looked as though they had left.

"Oh my god!" Mick panicked as she was bleeding through her shirt.
She was crying In pain as the others crawled over as well and moved her to the pile of trash so she wouldn't be out in the open.

"Shh, shh," Mick hushed softly and held her hand, gently stroking her hair as Tommy ripped her shirt in half and looked at the bullet wound under her chest, she was whimpering as they scrounged around in their pockets for the bandages that Doc had given them, grateful that Doc lectured even though at the time they didn't care.

"I can see the bullet..." Tommy said, "Don't try and take it out, you'll take the pressure away, leave it and clean around the area, Nikki, call the cops and an ambulance, Vince make sure she's comfy, I'll keep her conscious," Mick said and gently stroked at her soft hair as she whimpered and was holding Mick's hand.

"Can you talk?" He asked softly, she nodded, "What's your name?" He asked and gently rubbed his hand up and down her arm, "Y/N..." She whimpered, "Alright honey, how old are you?" He asked, "S-sixteen..." She choked on a sob and winced as each breath caused her agony.

"Anywhere else hurt sweetie?" He asked softly, "M-my head a bit..." She told him, "Did you know those men?" He asked, she shook her head, "Alright honey, what were you doing out at night?" He hummed, "I-I was g-getting my mum her m-medicine... Oh god... S-shes gonna be s-sick without it..." She whimpered, "Shh, relax sweetie it's gonna be okay, we'll work this all out okay sweetie?" He asked and interlocked their fingers, she sniffled and nodded.

Sirens were heard so they sighed softly, the ambulance was parked in front of the alleyway, the rear facing them as they got out, one of them got the gourney while the other rushed to the scene.

"Alright honey, can you hear me?" They asked softly, she nodded, they checked her vision by holding fingers and she got it all right.

"Let me have a look," they said and undid the bandaging, she kicked her legs around, pushing at trash bags and squeezing Mick's hand as they put something on her wound.

"Ow ow ow ow!" She whimpered, "It's alright, you're alright," Mick promised.
"Do you know her sir?" They asked him, "No, we saw her get shot right where the ambulance is," he said, there was blood all over the floor over there.

The police were inspecting it and the four boys gently scooped her up and put her on the gourney as she laid there, a cop asked her questions before letting her rest while they asked the other four who told them exactly what happened.

They followed the ambulance down to the hospital, Vince, Tommy and Nikki on their Harley's while Mick was in his Corvette.

As they arrived they were in the waiting room for hours before being told they could come in, inside she was holding her clothed rib, hand against it and she looked very tired.

"Hey honey, you alright now?" Vince asked softly, she nodded, "Tired..." She murmured, an I.V drip In.

"What did they do?" Tommy asked, "They had to perform surgery as the bullet was too big to be plucked out... So tired..." She hummed, letting Mick gently caress her cheek.

They heard quick footsteps and turned to see a woman with long brown hair run in, "Christine?!" Mick gasped, she ran over, ignoring Mick's shock and held her daughter I  her arms, "Oh sweet baby Jesus..." She muttered over and over and kissed all over her face and played with her hair.

"Mama your medicine..." She mumbled and pointed at the table, "Shh, I don't care right now sweetie," Christine sighed and rocked her in her arms.

"I'm tired mama..." She mumbled, "Shh... Mummy's got you..." Christine said softly, gently letting her head hit the pillow before she fell asleep, they heard her heart monitor beeping as the bullet hit VERY close to her heart.

"Christine?" Mick frowned, Christine sighed, taking him out of the room and explaining.

"I fell very sick after I had our daughter..." Christine said softly, "Oh my god..." Mick sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"I saw my daughter get shot..." Mick said, overwhelmed by all this.
Passed visiting hours, Mick was found asleep holding his daughters hand.

The nurses tried taking him out but he kept begging for five more minutes until they gave up and just let him cuddle his daughter close who was enjoying the extra warmth.

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