Mick Mars #40 | Old man.

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The sun peaked through the curtains, illuminating his room, his arm was over his eyes, it was too early...

He groaned and complained, grumbling curses under his breath as he tried blocking out the light, but nothing worked.

Until he heard the blinds close.

He looked up to see his beautiful wife standing by the blinds.

"Well, no time to wake up huh?" She smiled softly, "No... Ugh," he groaned and laid on his back, hissing slightly as he felt lava run down his spine.

She sighed and walked over to him, "Micky," she said softly, "I know I know, but I'm old," he chuckled softly, "Oh please, you're forty years old, babe," she chuckled softly and kissed him good morning.

"Age doesn't matter, if you feel like a sack of ass," he groaned making her sigh, "You're a dick," she said, "Mm, I know," he grinned making her giggle as she laid beside him.

"What's on the agenda today, my handsome husband?" She smiled, "Well what do you want to do, my beautiful wife?" He smirked making her chuckle, a light blush covering her features, "I want to stay by you," she smiled and played with his mess of black hair, "Suit yourself," he shrugged and scratched at his beard, "This fucker has to go..." He said with annoyance, "I agree, he's taking up all the room on my bed," she grinned, "Me?! Says you! Fucking limbs flying everywhere!" He yelled making her laugh as she kissed him softly, "I love you, you fuckin bastard," she chuckled, "Yeah yeah, I love you too," he said and got up, walking to the bathroom so he could shave.

Meanwhile, she walked in after a few minutes, he turned to her, tilting his jaw side to side so he could shave, "What ya doin?" He asked, "Just watching, hey that stuff smells good," she said, "My shaving cream smells good?" He chuckled, "Yeah," she said, he scooped a bit off his cheek and put it on her nose, "Bon Appetite Mon Cheri~" he giggled making her roll her eyes as she wiped it off her nose, hugging him from behind and watching him shave.

"You ever nick yourself while you do that?" She asked, "Few times," he said, "Mick nicks himself," she smiled, "Mick nicks himself," he nodded making her giggle.

As he shaved his face, she gasped and gently felt his soft smooth face, "Ooh, so soft!" She said in awe and kissed his cheek, "Yeah yeah, let me put this on," he chuckled as she was hugging him so she could kiss his jaw, "Babe! Let me fucking put my after shave on!" He laughed.

They nearly fell over the laundry basket, "Babe!" He chuckled and shook his head, putting his after shave on and grabbing some Cologne, putting some on his neck, she inhaled aggressively making him roll his eyes, "Why did I fall in love with you?" He asked, "Because ya did," she giggled and smooched his cheek.

"Why did you fall for me?" She asked curiously, "I remember you were that sexy waitress chick that served us some food and alcohol that one day, I didn't want food, but I wanted alcohol and lots of it... You were real... I guess, hypnotizing, still are... The boys were trying to pick you up but I still won," he smirked making her laugh, "Yeah, my type is sexy guitarists," she smirked making him roll his eyes.

"Why'd you fall for me? I'm old, I can't pick you up like Tommy, I can't throw you in my car like Nikki would, and I certainly can't be as freakish as Vince gets... Ick..." Mick shivered at that last part making her chuckle.

"I fell for you because you were quiet, you were so shy and introverted, you liked being by yourself and I do too, so I just thought you were the cutest of flowers, I don't care if you can't throw me around, pick me up and throw me in the air, as long as I've got my favourite guitarist as my husband than I'm very happy," she smiled.

"I'm only your favourite because I'm your husband," he said, "Robert! Not true!" She pouted, "Ah man, don't call me that," he whined, she grabbed his hand and lead him to their room, "I may of kept this secret because it's embarrassing... But look," she said, in her night stand, she took out a journal, inside marked a date a few years ago, 1981.

'I just heard TFFL, Motley Crue's first album ever, these guys are fuckin nuts! Especially that pretty guitar boy.'

'Mick is my favourite guitarist.'

"I kept obsessive accounts over you Mick," she blushed as he read them, "I'm your favourite huh?" He chuckled, "Yes! Like you're just so! Ugh!" She said, "Like, woah!" She said in awe.

"I'm woah?" He asked, "Yes! Babe you can fucking rip the shit out of your guitar and it's cool, I love you, you little shit," she chuckled, "I love you too, you little bitch," he smiled making her laugh.

"I still think I'm an old man."

"You are baby, but I love you, you're my sexy old hag," she said, "Wow, thanks," he said making her chuckle.

"I love you," she said, "I love you more."

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