Tommy Lee #7 | Ill stop for you.

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Your eyes we're heavy, your breath hard to release as you dragged your feet up the stairs, after like five minutes you finally made it up stairs, groaning as you walked into your bedroom.

Your fiance, Tommy Lee was on the bed, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam surrounded by his waist and partially on your sides as he smoked.

"Heh, watch," he giggled, not caring at the moment that you just wanted to lay down.
He put the cigarette in his nose and breathed out smoke in his mouth.

You sighed and walked over, "Baby I wanna go to bed... I feel like shit," you pouted holding his hand.

"Oh... Okay," He mumbled, he put the bottles by the side of the bed and patted next to him, inviting you to lay next to him as you sighed.

"Fucking bra..." You whined, he helped you up, putting you on his lap, lifting your shirt up and off, then taking your bra off as he put his on you.

"Thanks baby," you hummed and threw your socks off. You collapsed on the bed next to him, he turned the lamp on as he walked to the light and turned it off.
As he laid beside you, he held your waist and kissed your forehead.
"What's the matter baby?" He murmured.

"School was a pain... You know how I'm doing bachelors?" You asked playing with his hair, he nodded, "It's such a pain in the ass, I'm pretty fucking sure I failed my stupid theory test..." You pouted.

"Mm, what makes you think that?" He asked as he kissed your collarbone, "It was mostly about brass instruments..." You sighed, he hummed and licked your chest making you yelp, you laughed and gently punched his arm making him chuckle.

He smiled and snuggled you close.
"You should ease down on the smoking and drinking," you told him, "Mm... I'll stop for you," he said and kissed your nose.

"That kiss sucks," you said, "Mm?" He smirked and leaned closer, "Why don't you show me?" He grinned.

So you did, your lips pressed to his as he held your waist, hand travelling down your back before giving a cheeky squeeze to your lower end making you giggle.

"Naughty," you smiled, "Says the woman who slaps my ass any chance she gets," he chuckled, "Okay fine, we're even, but your ass looks fabulous, especially in leather..." You pouted making him laugh.

He bit his lip and wiggled his brows as he put your hand on his ass, you cackled and he laughed along with you as you played drums on his butt.

You rolled him over and slapped his ass making him laugh.
"You my love, are weird," he hummed making you giggle, "Kiss my butt," you giggled, "Come here then," he winked making you cackle.

You both cuddled as he pressed his forehead on you. "Why are you so tall?" You pouted, "I don't know... Why are you so short?" He smirked, "Bastard, but I love you so it's okay," you giggled making him grin as he kissed you.

"Goodnight love," he said softly and turned the lamp off, "Night night," you hummed.

"Don't you dare," he warned as he felt the blanket move, "What?" You smirked, "You're gonna touch my ass," he said making you giggle.

You slapped his butt and squealed as he grabbed you and got you back.
"Okay I'm sorry," you giggled making him laugh as he cuddled you.

"Now behave," he said making you giggle as he spooned you.

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