Tommy Lee #50 | Pancakes.

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I awoke to a beautiful scent wafted in my nostrils. I began my descend down the stairs - spotting my boyfriend since high school in the kitchen - he was swaying his hips and nodding his head - his hair bouncing around in a cute manner as he hummed to the Fleetwood Mac playing on the radio.

I smiled a little and walked over, he smiled down at me and kissed my head before grabbing the spatula and flipping the pancakes.
"Morning baby," he said - all the while he was still dancing around.

"Morning babe... What ya doing?" I asked, "Cooking pancakes ~ What ya doing showing off like that?" He smirked down at me - I had my shirt tugged to one side which revealed my chest a bit.

I giggled and fixed it, "Woopsies," I smile, he leaned down and kissed me softly, "I love you Greeky," I smile, "I love you too," he smiled and kissed me softly a few more times.

"You're so small dude, get out the way," he chuckled, grabbing the frying pan and flipping the pancakes onto the plates.

"Hey, that's heightist," I smiled, he chuckled and wrapped an arm around me, "What are you going to do about it?" He chuckled, "Fight ya!" I smiled up at him, "Oh yeah? You and what step ladder?" He smirked, I huffed and gently punched his arm.

"Fuck you," I pout, "Yes please," he said making me giggle. I sat beside him at the table as we ate the pancakes together.

"You're so pretty," he murmured, I looked over at him - he was heart eyeing me, my heart fluttered and I looked at him in shock, "Woah..." I said as we were staring so hard we both saw sparkles.

"We're in love," Tommy sang, changing the lyrics.

"You're in love," I correct, he gasped and pouted making me giggle, "I'm kidding, I love you!" I smile and kiss him softly, he pouted a little at me, "Meanie babe," he said, I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Blueberry! Yummy!" I giggled as I ate my pancakes, he smiled and kissed me softly making me smile a little.

"Love you..." He whispered, "I love you more," I whispered back, "Why are we whispering?" He asked, "I don't know," I whispered making him chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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