Nikki Sixx #18 | Kick ass...

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Here he is again, in a club where no one fuckin keeps their mouths shut.
Just as he was about to storm out, a band walked on, but wait...

The bassist was a chick. He paused and looked up at them.
They were fucking amazing! But the bassist... Fuck she was hot.

Black long hair that hit her waist and from here, he could see that she had tattoos on her pelvis which was slightly revealed due to her crop top.

She looked over at him and locked eyes with him. She smiled shyly and continued FINGERING her bass.

After the show, the audience cheered, Nikki clapped, she looked at him who smirked and showed he was clapping, she smiled a bit and put her bass over with the brunette vocalist who walked out with it.

She walked over and sat across from him. "No one was sitting here right?" She frowned, "Nope," he said, "You play good," he said, "Oh... Thank you, you were in London, right?" She smiled, "Was yeah, I'm looking for a new band," he hummed.

"Really? My brother is a drummer... I could introduce you," she said, "Mm..." He frowned, "No! I promise you'll like him, he was a huge fan of London," she told him.

"That's the past," he said, she grabbed his hand and leaned over, "Please, just give him a chance, his name is Tommy, I'll even take you around to my house," she said.

"Ooh, meeting the parents straight away are we?" He smirked, she giggled and rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah," she smiled, "So are you gonna meet him, or what?" She asked, he sighed, "Fine, only because your fuckin hot," he said, she blushed and giggled, "Yeah yeah, whatever you say hot stuff," she said and grabbed his hand.

They went outside, "Did you drive?" She asked, he shook his head, "Good," she hummed and grabbed her keys, unlocking the 1969 Lincoln Continental, "Woah.. Fuckin sick," he whispered.

Of course, here they are, rocking out while you watched in awe.
They were amazing, Mick had the grumpy attitude, Vince had the sassy need for sex and girls, Nikki was an aspiring musician and of course, Tommy, the fuckwit of the band, with energy that could kill.

"So... What do you think?" Tommy asked you, "I loved it, it totally rocks, what if you stretched out the chorus?" You asked, they looked at each other.

"Now this is what I'm talking about," Nikki smirked.

So they rocked their shit, it was amazing.
"Sis, can you chuck me the beer?" Tommy asked, you walked over with a bottle, "Try not to get so drunk you babble on about Ritchie Blackmore," you said.

"Who needs to be drunk to talk about that legend?" Nikki asked, "My brother says weird shit when he's drunk, you boys are in for a treat," you smiled as you sat down.

After years of performing, Nikki ran over and picked you up, you giggled and he kissed your cheek, "Thank fuck you met me that day!" He said, "Thank fuck I played huh?" You smiled, he nodded and let you down.

Take me to the top...

You walked with him backstage as he held your hand, almost nervous...

Take me to the top...

You could see his eyes sparkle as he found a room, walking in with you and closing the door behind you.

Take me to the top...

He blushed and began babbling like an idiot. "Nikki?" You asked softly.
He stared at you for a moment...

Take me to the top...

He sighed, "I'm in love with you."

Take me to the top...

"I... Nikki?" You asked.

Take me to the top...

"There man, alright?! I love you!" He said getting worked up.

Take me to the top...

"I love you too..." You murmured.

Take me to the top...

"I... Wait, fuckin really?" He beamed.

Take me to the top...

The huge smile on his face made you giggle. "Yeah, damn right I do pom pom," you smirked, he laughed and hugged you tightly.

"This is amazing..." He breathed.

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