Tommy Lee #18 | Popcorn.

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Is it a date without popcorn? Tommy prepared some popcorn and put it on the living room table.
"Baaaaaaaabe!" He whined, "Whaaaaaat?" She giggled as she walked downstairs, "Come on my fair lady," he said meeting her half way and picking her up making her squeal.

She giggled and he took her to the couch, he turned the tv on and they watched a movie together. "What's all this about?" She asked, "I miss being able to spend time with you," he sighed, "I love you so much..." He smiled, she kissed him softly, "I love you too, you moron," she smirked and shoved a piece of popcorn up his nose, he put his finger on the opposite nostril and snorted it out, "I'll get you for that!" He smirked and climbed on top of her.

Tickling her as she laughed hysterically, she giggled and put her legs around his waist as she laughed.
He chuckled and stopped, "Little shit," he smirked, "You love me," she sighed softly, "Apparently so," he hummed making her laugh and gently slap his chest to which he chuckled about.

"I love you fluffy,"

"I love you too baby girl,"

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