Vince Neil #19 | Crazy...

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I searched every where for my boyfriend, where the fuck is he?!
I bumped into Mick, "Mick, have you seen Vince?" I sighed, "In the bedroom upstairs to the left," Mick told me, "Thanks man," I said as I ran upstairs, dodging people making out.

Vince loved parties and always dragged us to each one. Tommy would willingly go, Nikki just wanted to do crack while Mick hated social interaction, and I'm like Mick, I hate people.

I opened the door and there he was, laying on the bed naked.
"Babe, what the fuck?" I asked closing the door behind me, "Ughhh," he groaned, "You're fucking high again aren't you?" I asked, he only groaned again.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his legs, making him sit up, he puked on the ground.
"Again and again, how many times have I seen you naked at this point?" I asked, "Mmm, a couple dozen times..." He giggled.

"It's no laughing matter Vincent," I said as I dodged the vomit, dragging him over to me and grabbing his clothes.

I began dressing him, "I can't believe I have to dress you. When I started dating you I didn't sign up for this," I said as I finished putting his pants on.

"You try being in a band, killing your best friend and losing your daughter," he said.

I paused, "Vincent, I know that shit happened, but if you don't clean your act up, you're gonna die," I told him.

"And what If that's what I want huh?" He scoffed, he stood up and took his shirt out of my hands.
"Vincey, just let me help you," I sighed, "I don't need your fucking help alright, I'm fine on my own," he said, "If that's so, then why do you drag me to every event, party and show?" I asked.

"Because I like showing off the fact, that I have a girlfriend," he scoffed. I knew he was high, and probably drunk as well, but those words stung.

"So you don't love me?" I asked, he paused, "Answer me!" I yelled, he slapped me, "Don't raise your fuckin voice!" He yelled.

I stood there in shock, "You know what? Fuck you Vincent Wharton, I'm through," I barked and stormed out.

I took my motorbike home, speeding off down the road as I sobbed.

I saw lights and screamed as I turned, flying off and everything went blank...

I woke up with Mick holding my hand, asleep.
"Ugh..." I groaned and gently patted his head, he woke up, "Thank god you're alive," he sighed and patted my hand.

"What happened?" I winced, "I was driving home behind you and I saw you fly off your bike, you were real fucked up, kid," he told me.

"No one else knows, do you want me to tell anyone?" He asked, "No, just tell people not to call me... Or look for me, unless they're smart and know how stupid I am when I get my heart broken," I chuckled.

"What happened, with you and Vince?" He asked.
"I told him I wanted to help him, he was so fucking wasted man... Naked on the bed and high off his mind, I tried to help him but we just ended up arguing, telling me all he wanted was a girlfriend to show off, so I asked if he loved me, raising my voice and shit... So he slapped me, we're done now," I told him.

"Shit..." He said.
"I'm sorry kid," he said and hugged me.
"I'll visit as much as I can, okay?" He asked, "Thanks Mick," I smiled, "No problem," he said, waving as he walked out.

After about a month, Mick came in, he helped me up and handed me a bag of my clothes.
"Thanks Micky," I said going into the bathroom.

I'm the only one who gets to call him that, seen as hes like a brother to me.
He acts like a big brother, the way he was very protective and didn't want me to date Vince.

I should of seen it coming though...

I put on some clothes and walked out.
"Let's go, I can take you home, I need to go to the studio," he told me.

"No, I wanna come with," I said, he nodded and we went downstairs, "Hospital food tastes like shit," I sighed as I rested my head on the rest of the car, "Exactly," he sighed as he drove out of here.

As we made it to the studio, I walked in with him.
"Y/N!" Tommy said running over and hugging me, "Where have you been man?" He asked, "Some shit I had to do..." I said and winced, my ribs were still sore from falling, "You okay?" He asked, I nodded.

"You didn't get into a fight did you?" Nikki chuckled, I shook my head with a smile and sat on a seat as I looked into the recording booth.

Then Vince walked in.
He paused as he saw me. "What's she doing here?" He asked, "Breathing, sitting down, what else?" I asked, "Still a smartass," he smirked, "Of course I am," I hummed.

Mid rehearsal, I grabbed the bin and puked into it.
Mick patted my back gently and I groaned.

"You sure you're alright?!" Mick asked me, "Yeah man," I said turning to him, his eyes widened, he got a tissue and wiped off blood from my lip.

"Im fine, they told me that would happen from the meds," I said.
"Seriously, what the fuck is going on?" Nikki asked.

"Fine fine, if you must know..." I sighed.

"When I left the party, I was angry and sad, wasn't paying attention and collided with a car, no big deal?" I shrugged, "No big deal?! You could of died!" Tommy yelled.

"Tommy, I'm not dead, I'm still here, dealing with you morons," I said.

They sighed, Vince stared at me while I put my hand up my shirt and held my sore rib. Fuck it hurts...

"Shit... Do we have pain meds?" I asked Mick, he chucked my meds at me and I took one with out water.

I put my head on the rest and sighed.

As I was going to go home, which is just down the road, Vince stopped me.

"I'm... I'd like to say I'm sorry... I was just so stupid... I got high, drank... I shouldn't of done that shit. And I'm so sorry you got Into that accident..." He mumbled.

I smiled a bit. "I still love you... But... Friends?" He asked, holding his hand out.
I rolled my eyes and put my hand in his hair, pulling him down for a kiss.

"I love you too you stupid blond," I smirked, he chuckled and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry..." He said, "You apologize one more time and I will kick your ass," I said making him chuckle.

"Well, a ride home?" He hummed, I giggled and he took me to the car, driving me to his house.
My shits still there.

I walked in with him and was surprised my stuff wasn't in boxes.
"I was worried you know, you disappeared for a month... I wish I knew you were in hospital..." He sighed.

"I told Mick not to tell anyone as I didn't want people worried," I said, "Too bad, you worried me anyways," he said.

"I even got sober for you..." He sighed, I smiled and hugged him, "I love you Vinny," I sighed, "I love you too," he said.

We went to the room, "Where exactly are you hurt?" He asked, "Injuries everywhere but my ribs hurt the most," I said as I took my shirt and pants off.

I showed him the bruises and scars and he slowly walked over.
He put me on the bed and laid next to me.
"I'll never hurt you again..." He said and began crying into my neck.

"It's okay," I sighed rubbing his back.

"You're a crazy motherfucker babe," he chuckled making me giggle.
"So are you," I smirked.

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