Nikki Sixx #7 | Teen.

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I lead  the four boys to my house and as I got there, I heard silence.
"Rebbie!" I called, "Yo?" He asked, "I have some friends I want you to meet," I said, the boys chuckled slightly as they heard him groan dramatically.

"Fucking balls breath!" He yelled and stormed down, "Love you too little bro," I said making him roll his eyes.

"Sup," he huffed making the boys laugh.
"Sup dude," Nikki said and Rebbie plopped down in a seat.
"I feel bad for you guys... Having to deal with my sister..." He sighed and shook his head.

I punched his arm making him cackle, "No she's pretty chill," Nikki chuckled, "Yeah yeah, you know how annoying it is when she leaves me home alone, meaning I have to look after our nephew all alone?!" He yelled.

"Woah is you," I rolled my eyes, "Woah is me!" He agreed and got up, he came back with our baby nephew.
"Look, he's cute... I'll give him that, but everytime we bathe him, he gets out and runs around butt naked..." Rebbie sighed making the boys chuckle.

"Bathe him with the door closed," Mick said, "Do you have kids?" Rebbie asked, "Yup," Mick hummed, "Ohhh, makes sense, you know our mum is always like, 'hurry up and make babies, I want more grandbabies,' so yeah Y/N, get to it!" Rebbie said making me roll my eyes.

"I don't know... I'd prefer a son over a daughter... So there's that 50%..." I hummed, "Why do you want a boy?" Nikki asked.

"Well, it's okay if I have a daughter. But I'd prefer to have a son as I don't have to buy dresses and dolls," I chuckled, they chuckled along, "I had to buy my daughter Stormy all that stuff, but then when she found out about the band she wanted cooler things, like trucks," Mick chuckled.

"Wholesome dad moment," I said, "You have a dad?" Rebbie asked Mick, "Yeah," he frowned in confusion, "That's nice, what's that like?" Rebbie hummed making us laugh.

"I don't know bro, he's kinda on and off type of dad," Mick said, "Ooh on and off," my brother smirked and bit his lip making me snicker.

"You two are filthy!" Tommy said making us giggle.
We chilled here for a while and I rocked my nephew as he began to cry.

"You know he calms down to guitar, or metal, it's super cute," I smiled, "Really?" Mick asked, I nodded and kissed his forehead gently, "It's okay, mummy will be home soon, and she'll gobble you all up!" I smiled and tickled him making him giggle.

"Aww," Nikki smiled and patted my head.
"Here ya go, you're the best uncle," I said handing him to Rebbie.

"Damn right I am," Rebbie said and rocked him, "Way better uncle then I ever was," Vince chuckled making him smile a bit, too consumed in the baby to bother looking up.

I came back down with my acoustic guitar.
"I want to experiment with something," I said and tuned, "This is it..." I hummed in concentration.
I played Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton (you will cry if you listen to it for the first time) and the baby looked up at me.

I gave the ending Strum and he fell asleep.
"Aww..." I said trying my best not to squeal.
"That's so cute," Nikki chuckled.

"Yeah... If you make me an uncle within this year I will slap you," Rebbie said making me laugh.
"Yeah yeah," I smiled and he put our nephew to sleep.

"I remember when you were 5 and you wanted a daughter, remember when you told me that?" I smiled, "Oh my god!" Rebbie huffed and covered his face making them chuckle.

"It was so cute..." I pouted and put my arm around his shoulder, "Go away!" He pouted making them chuckle.

As the sun went down my brother and I were hypo, god knows why.

Rebbie was laughing really hard when he walked in.
"I have a joke for you guys," he chuckled and wiped his tears away.

"Oh my god... It's not even that funny," he cackled and began crying tears of laughter making them chuckle.

I patted his back and he took in a deep breath.
"Okay..." He said and shook it off.

"So this lady wanted to get bigger boobs without having surgery," he said and giggled, "So the doctor gave her these little cups to put on her nipples, 'If you want them bigger move your arms like a chicken,'," he said making them chuckle slightly.

"So anyways, she goes into a bar and sees a really hot guy, she walks over while squeezing her arms," he said and did chicken wings.

"She was like, 'Hey do you come here often?' And he was like," he said and stopped to giggle.

"He was like, 'no but I can tell we see the same doctor,'" he cackled and moved his legs together making them laugh.

He was bawling his eyes out making me snicker.
"Oh my god... Ooohh..." He sobbed and they laughed more as he was actually crying.

"I got an oldie for ya," Mick said.

"Two burglars went Into a pharmacy and stole all the Viagra, so be on the look out for two hardened criminals," He said making Rebbie cackled.

"I wander the science behind that..." He said and wiped his tears off on his shirt.
"Fucking hell, crying an ocran over here," he sighed and giggled making them chuckle.

Nikki held my hand as we sat together.
"FUCK ME!" Rebbie yelled, "NO THANKS!" I yelled making him cackle.

"Dumb bitch," he said and stole my monopoly.

"HEYYY!" I yelled and we tussled, I cackled as we were rolling on the floor.
"Children..." Mick sighed.
"Get off of me!" Rebbie yelled and punched me in the boob.

I whined and laid on my back while he cackled, "I meant to punch your gut, I'm so sorry," he chuckled while I laid on the floor holding my tiddie.

"I'm wounded..." I pouted, "Woah is you," Nikki chuckled.
"Bitch! Fuck you! Titties hurt!" I huffed making them laugh.

Rebbie went to his room for a while and I heard him playing guitar.
"Another guitarist?" Mick hummed, "Fuck yeah bro, this is a musician home," I said.

"Really?" Nikki asked.

"I'm a guitarist, he's a guitarist, my sister is a pianist, my mother is a violinist and pianist, my dad does bass, guitar and drums, and I do both guitar and vocals-" I said.

"You sing? Since when?" Vince asked, "Since... A time," I giggled.

Nikki chuckled and held my hand while we spoke about music.

"I'M SO SMART! YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK YOU GAY BITCHES!" Rebbie screamed making them laugh.

"I learnt 'Metal health' solo, you can suck my ass, I'm so skilled," he said and I clapped making him snicker.

"Wait, I'm gonna brag and go get my guitar, suck it," he said making them chuckle as he ran up to get his guitar.

He came back down and jumped down the stairs, "Nice guitar!" Mick said as he plugged his guitar in, "Yeahhh, I work at a guitar center so they let me pick one to have as I'm a loyal seller," he said and twerked making them chuckle.

He played the solo and flipped me off, "Suck it, suck ittt," he hissed making me roll my eyes.
"Fellow leftie," I said and he put his guitar on my lap.

"Beat that whore," he said making me giggle.

"Bam, suck it," I said and we giggled together.
"You two are insane," Mick smiled, "Same as you," I said and did a weird open mouth smile making them chuckle.

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