Vince Neil #30 | You dont know what its like.

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Vince had been down for a while, everyone said he deserved Skylar passing away as revenge for Razzle.

It wasnt fair... Why had he lost both of them...
All his fault...
But it wasn't, and she knew it wasn't.

It hurt to see him so down, he smiled when the others were around, and broke down when he thought no one was there, but she was...

She caught him crying again.
He was hunched over and bawling his eyes out.
"Skylar... I'm so sorry baby..." He sobbed and wiped his eyes.

"I should of never gotten behind that wheel Razzle... That flower wasn't supposed to grow inside of you Skylar..." He said and was panting, trying to stop crying but the tears flew in streams.

He near screamed when he felt an arm around him.
He looked up and saw her... The woman he fell madly head over heels with.
He stopped trying to get her to love him back when his baby girl passed.

"It's okay Vinny..." She murmured.
"No it's not, you have no idea what's it like!" He yelled, tears going every where.

"I don't... All I can do is imagine how you feel," she said and played with his hair.

He slapped her hand off and stormed out.

That happened nights ago.

Now she was trying to call him from outside a bar using the phone, but she got no answer, she sighed and made her way to his house, please be okay...
As she got there he was in there making a lot of noise, screaming and the sounds of things breaking.

She quickly used the spare key he had given her. He gave it to her years ago and said whenever she wants someone, come to him, stupid dork...

She entered and he threw a chair her way, it shattered on the wall next to her.
"Y/N..." He said in shock, he wobbled back a bit, she closed the door and walked over.

"Vinny, Vinny I know honey... I know," she said softly and gave him a hug, "No you don't!" He yelled, "I don't.... But I know like fuck it hurts... I miscarriaged Vinny..." She murmured.

"I... I... I'm sorry," he said in shock, she wanted a baby so bad and like that it was taken from her.

"It's okay Vince," she hummed, she too was crying.
"It's okay, let's go clean these up okay? Tomorrow when we can fix this mess," she said, he nodded and she lead him to the bathroom.

"How far along were you?" He murmured, "Six months..." She sighed, "I'm sorry... That must of hurt, fuck that does," he said as the alcohol stung his knuckles.

"Sorry... Yeah it did... But it's not about me, this is about you Vinny," she said softly.
"No... I'm sorry... I shouldn't of reacted like that... You lost your baby and..." He sighed and rested his head on her chest.

She smiled softly and rubbed his back.
"Stop it or I'll cry," she choked out, too late, tears ran down her face.

He stood up in front of her, wiping her tears away.
"We're both fucked up..." He sighed, "I guess so yeah," she giggled, trying to not cry.

He hugged her, he was warm and it was so sincere.
She cried into his neck, "I'm so sorry about your little one..." He said and rubbed her back, "I'm sorry about them," she said and played with his hair.

"I'm sorry Vinny, I'm so sorry," she hiccupped and kissed his cheek, he smiled softly and the two made their way to his room.

"Y/N, my head hurts..." He murmured, "Did you hit it?" She asked, he shook his head, "Maybe from all the screaming," she said softly and stroked his cheek, "I just wanna be held," he murmured.

"I know baby," she hummed and hugged him close, he smiled and wrapped his arms around her, she played with his hair and kissed his head, "I love you Vinny," she said.

"I love you too, so much... Thank you," he said and kissed her collar bones, "It's nothing... I don't think I'd be able to cope with out you morons. Your charms, good looks. Tommy's dorkishness and the ability to make you laugh... Nikki being the control freak he is... Mick being the dad of the group," she chuckled making him laugh.

"I love you guys so much," she said and rubbed his shoulder, "We love you too, but I especially," he smiled, looking up and kissing her softly.

They do know what it's like...

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