Nikki Sixx #33 | Cuddles.

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-dad AU-

You could hear giggles coming from inside the studio, "Roar!" Nikki roared and smiled as his little one laughed.

"Watch this," Nikki smiled and grabbed a piece of paper, he grabbed a lighter and put the paper on fire.
Of course, he blew it out as to not burn him or his daughter.

"Woah!" She giggled, "Yeahhh," he smiled and kissed her head, she crawled onto his lap and cuddled into his chest, "I love you," she mumbled, "I love you too baby girl, so much," he hushed and kissed her nose.

She giggled, "Daddy, that's my nosy!" She smiled widely, "Is it?" He hummed, "Uh huh," she giggled.
"Can I kiss it again?" He hummed, she nodded, he kissed her nose again making her giggle.

Mick walked in, "Hey Mick," Nikki smiled and kissed his daughters cheek, "Hey kiddo," He said and looked around for something.

"Have you seen Vince's hairbrush, he's having a whole meltdown," Mick said, "Yeah, it's on his vanity," Nikki said, "Okay, thank you," Mick sighed and went to his vanity, grabbing his hairbrush and walking out.

"Daddy?" Nikki's little one hummed, "Yes baby girl?" Nikki smiled softly, "I wanna be like you," she giggled, "You wanna be a rock star?" He asked, she nodded, "Aww baby that's great, I'll teach you," he smiled.

"I love you," she said, "I love you too, so much," he said and did the nosie, smiling as she giggled, she kissed his cheek making him smiled, he got her back and they giggled together.

"I love youuuu!" She giggled, "I love you more!" Nikki smiled, "Nuh uh," she said, "Oh, you love me more?" He hummed, she nodded.
"Well, I known you longer, so I love you the most," he said, "But daddy, my heart is this big," she said holding her hands out.

"Wow, that's a big heart," Nikki said, "Your heart is the size of your fist, your brain is the size of two fists," Nikki smiled and held up his fist, placing it on his chest, she did the same and giggled as her hand was tiny.

"Tiny heart," he smiled and kissed her hand.
"I love you," they said at the same time and giggled, "Jinx!" They called, "Jinx again!" They yelled and giggled.

"I love you," she giggled making him chuckle.

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