Tommy Lee #39 | Plenty to hold.

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*readers point of view, no Name given*
*also, curvy reader, this has been requested, as a curvy person myself I thought I might be a good writer for this, idk*

My mother had always told me, 'men love a curvy woman', explaining how there's more to hold and love.

However everytime, just before a shower when I'd see my naked body in the mirror, I'd scowl in discuss, I was fat, ugly, covered in stretch marks and disgusting layers of sweat, acne popped up on my face from all the extra sweat.

I just looked at myself as I sat in front of the mirror in my bedroom, the full body mirror showed a girl who looked very upset, pouting, tears forming and hands pinching large pools of skin which formed overtime around her stomach.

I'm a monster, I thought.

I hiccupped, finally beginning to sob, I don't know how long I sat there, until I heard my beloved friend call for me.

"Hey! You in here?!"

I sighed and got up, opening my bedroom door, I walked down, seeing Tommy, he was still holding the spare key in his hand.

"There you are!" He sighed and played with my long blonde hair, "I was getting worried about you, sweetie," he said softly, with everyone else, he was loud, aggressive and shouted, he even did wild things as to running around naked. I never understood why he was so gentle with me, a monster, like me...

I blinked slowly, looked at the ground, than at him again, "I'm fine," I lied, those two words many have said to mask their true emotions.

He pursed his lips, cheeks puffing adorably and his eyebrows furrowing, "No you're not, tell me, what's wrong munchkin?" He asked softly, that nickname he had picked up since high school.

"Nothings wrong," though I couldn't stop my voice from shaking, breaking pathetically in front of the man I had loved for so many years, he would never reciprocate the feelings, never.

"Nah uh, you're going to tell me... Wait, did someone hurt you?!" He gasped, I saw a protective glimmer in his eye, he always stood up for me in high school when someone would call me fat, he even smashed someone's face in for just glaring at me.

"No, Tommy, calm down," I chuckled softly, letting him caress my cheek, "How about I cheer you up first, than we talk?" He asked softly, "I- sure..." I sighed, knowing he wouldn't let up.

I was right.

He smirked happily, planting a soft kiss to my forehead, ever since he began giving me those friendly kisses I've been prone to turn into a cherry, though I know his mother is Greek, and I know he moved from Greece at three years old, maybe it's a friendly thing they do?

He walked upstairs with me, I felt ashamed by how out of breath I was from that simple task.

Tommy, on the other hand, looked like a Greek God as usual, it was nothing to him, I mean look at him, skin and bone.

I felt my heart race, my lungs expanding and deflating quickly as I felt my heart break in two.
He couldn't love me... Right?

He went in the direction of my bedroom, I raised a curious brow and followed the drummer, he was going through my draws, grabbing my clothing, I felt a red flush rise to my cheeks as I saw him pick out matching underwear, yeah, girls definitely don't want their straight guy best friends to go through that.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, "Cheering you up, duh," he scoffed playfully and grabbed my towel which was hanging over my bed.

"Uh... Okay?" I frowned in confusion, what on earth is he doing?

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