Vince Neil #18 | Raining.

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Claps of thunder rumbled across the stadium, cheer after cheer followed by a bang of lightning in the distance.

The band played on, screaming and cheering and making some noise.

All that was on Vince's mind other then the band right now was his girlfriend, who was backstage, pregnant as fuck.

Shes one badass chick, wears black, leather and has dyed black hair, to which she let's the boys tease if they're lucky.

When Vince got to be with her, fire sparked in his heart. Vincent Neil Wharton, got to date the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

She had the looks that kill, and with her, it wasn't just the same ol' situation.
(Heh, like that? Two song memos).

When they met, she didn't pay attention to his flirting. When he tried hitting on her, she brought a hand to his mouth.
"Shh... Vinny baby, I'm not in it for a quick fuck with a rock star, I wanna know the master of this heart," she said poking his chest, to which he smirked, "You if you'll let me," he winked to which she smiled.

So the dates went on from there.
At the end of the show they threw their arms in the air and ran backstage, it was raining full on now.

"Baby! Baby you alright?" Vince asked knocking on the door, "Just dandy babe," she said and so he opened the door, they boys following.

"How's mini you?" Nikki asked sitting down in an arm chair, "He's good, he's kicking rather harshly," she smiled.
"He always does when it rains," Vince smiled.

She chuckled slightly and Mick was in the corner dazing off and staring at the wall, "What's going on man?" Tommy asked him, patting his shoulder, "Nothing, just tired as shit," he said rubbing his eyes.

"Count us in!" Vince groaned, she chuckled at his behavior and placed his hand lazily on her stomach, "I bet he's gonna have blonde hair like you," she said playing with his hair.

"You have natural blonde too," Vince added, "I have darker blonde, you look like a Barbie doll in rock n roll," she smirked, he scoffed while the boys laughed.

"Fuck you, babe," he said, "No thanks, I'm pregnant," she hummed making him snort, "You're a wild one," he smiled, "Mhm," she said and put her arm around his shoulder.

"Fuck it, I'm getting out of here before I get in a crash... Bye kids," Mick said getting up, "Bye Mick," they said and waved.

He walked out and next thing they heard was the screeching of tires, "Classic Mick," Tommy chuckled.

"What was mini yous name gonna be?" Tommy frowned, "Eric," Vince said, "Eric... Right," Nikki nodded.

"You guys are so forgetful," she smiled, "Yep, dumb as a goldfish," Tommy said puckering his lips and going cross eyed making her giggle.

"You boys, utterly stupid," she smiled making them snicker. "Come on babe, let's get you home," Vince yawned, "I'm driving," she pouted, holding her hand out, he dropped the keys in her hand and smiled as he followed her out.

"Baby?" He asked as they made way to the car, "Yeah?" She smiled, "I really fucking love you..." He sighed, gently carressing her cheek, "I love you so much... I don't want you to be like those girls before... I want you to be my only one..." He said pressing his forehead against hers.

"I am yours Vinny, just like you," she said ruffling his hair up, "Are my sexy rock star, now get your ass in the car before I make you ride on the back of Tommy's bike," she smiled, that made him run around the car, she giggled and started the car, reversing and driving off down the road.

"You look so beautiful... Woah that stomach is huge," Vince said, she smirked, "You made it that way, I blame you," she smiled, he chuckled and leaned over to kiss it, "I love you angel," he sighed softly.

"I love you both more then anything," she said, "Both?" Vince frowned, "Forgetting our son already are we?" She chuckled, "Oh!" He said, "No of course not," he said and rubbed her tummy.

As they got home, she stretched her arms, groaning as it made her stomach cramp up. "Damn he kicks a lot..." She grumbled and rubbed the huge bump, "I know baby," Vince said rubbing her stomach, "I'm sorry... That I diseased him with my energy," he smirked, "Oh shut up!" She smiled and shoved his head, he laughed and made way to the bedroom with her.

"Little rat," she said as she took off her shirt, "Yeah yeah," he chuckled and walked over, poking her belly button, "Fuck your hands are cold! Warm those things," she pouted, he chuckled and rubbed them together as she laid down.

He crawled over and placed them on her stomach, rubbing slightly, he leaned down, "Hey baby, it's daddy... I love you so much... Be easy on mummy for these last few weeks for me?" He sighed.

Easy he was, except for when he was pushed out...

But as they held their gorgeous baby boy, Vince shed a tear and rubbed his eyes. "Don't cry Vinny," she chuckled, "Shuddup!" He pouted making her laugh.

"Daddy's sensitive baby, he loves you so much," she told Eric who was asleep. "We love you both so much, I love you," she said and kissed his forehead, letting Vince hold his son.

He sighed, "What she said," he pouted and chuckled with her, "Mwah," he said kissing his head. He woke up and his big blue eyes shined at him, "He's got your eyes," she smiled, "Yeah..." He said looking at his son in awe.

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