Nikki Sixx #4 | Fluffy.

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Nikki stared at his girlfriend in awe as she giggled, playing with the kitten who thought she was her mother.

"Hi baby!" She giggled, "Meow!" The kitten squealed and cuddled closer.
Nikki smiled and walked over, sitting beside her on the floor, "You're a father now," she giggled, he smiled and pecked her cheek.

"You're a weirdo," he said, she smiled and cuddled into his side, his arm going around her shoulder, "Like you," she grinned making him chuckle.

The two played with the black kitten who loved it's humans.
The little kitten truly believed Nikki and Y/N were it's parents.

"Milky time!" She cheered and crawled to get the milk, yelping as her boyfriend slapped her butt.

"Hey!" She pouted making him chuckle, she crawled back over and cradled the kitten, pouring milk into the kitties mouth.

"You'd be such a good mummy..." Nikki murmured, a blush covered her face, "And you'd be a good dad," she smiled, he smiled widely and kissed her cheek several times.

"I love you," Nikki said softly, "I love you too," she smiled.

As the bottle was done, the kitty looked like it had a big tummy as it waddled around.
"Hey Nikki?" She asked, "Yes?" He asked, "Would you ever want kids?" She asked, he paused.

"With you? Yeah," he smiled, she blushed and smiled back, "What should we name it if we did?" She giggled.

"Evangeline...?" He asked, "And for a boy, Eric!" She smiled widely, "So..." He said.

"Wanna get to baby making?" He smirked.

Oh boy...

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