Mick Mars #13 | What would I do without you?

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Summary - Your husband was downstairs making dinner, he lit the stove with the igniter and put the pot over the heat.

"Babe?" I asked, "Mm?" He hummed, "How's your back?" I asked hugging him from behind, "It's alright today, a little tender though," he told me.

He turned around and kissed me softly, "Not everything needs a little doctor like you," he smiled, "But I love you," I pouted, "I love you too baby," he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

I helped make dinner and I squealed as he got me with a tea towel, we giggled together and I hit my tail bone on the counter, I let out a small yell of pain, "Ouch," he said walking over, he rubbed my tail bone with three fingers and kissed my forehead as he did a small massage.

His other hand went in for a cheeky squeeze before letting go making me giggle. "Pervert," I smiled, "You married me," he said, "My handsome guitarist," I giggled, "My sexy ER nurse," he grinned making me giggle.

As we had dinner, Mick bent down to grab the fork he dropped and groaned, "Baby no!" I said and helped him up, grabbing the fork for him, "You've got such young bones... Why date an old fart like me?" Mick asked.

I rolled my eyes, "No seriously," he said. I sighed, "Because you're smart, funny, I love your attitude towards the three musketeers, you're charming, hot, great guitarist, and it's a dream come true because I had the biggest crush on you for years," I chuckled.

"Really?" He asked, I nodded, "I thought you were the sexiest in the band, and I'm right," I wiggled my brows, he chuckled and after dinner I put the plates away.

After about twenty minutes of talking I could tell Mick's back was hurting, he did that funny thing where he closed one eye and scrunched up his lip in pain.

"Come on," I said getting up and helping him up, I held his hand as we went to the bedroom. "I shall massage your tender muscles," I smiled making him chuckle.

"Take this off," I said poking his chest, he took his shirt off and made way to the bed, laying down and sighing.

I walked over and sat on his butt, "Am I hurting you?" I asked, "No," he chuckled.
"Your butt is a nice pillow," I said and gave it a little smack, "Naughty girl," he chuckled.

I rubbed my hands up his back, along his spine I gently dug my fingers, helping the pain he had, "Feel any better?" I asked, "Mmm..." He moaned into the pillow, I giggled and massaged up his neck, all the way to the back of his head.

"That feels so good!" He groaned making me giggle as I kissed his cheek, "Mm," he said, I kissed his lips and eased my fingers into his muscles.

"You're so pretty," I smiled, "You're pretty..." He mumbled, I hummed a song as I massaged his back, "And I would do anything for love... I'd massage your back and that's a fact..." I sang making him chuckle, "I'd never lie to you and that's a fact, especially about your nice ass," I hummed making him laugh.

"You love me," I grinned, "Yeahh," he smiled and moaned out when I massaged his shoulder blades, "God right there," he moaned, "Isn't that my job to moan that?" I asked, "Oh shut up and give me it!" He barked making me laugh as I massaged between the shoulder blades, he hummed in delight making me giggle, "Hello," I said wiggling my brows as I put my face next to his, "Hello, fuck me this feels good," he hummed making me giggle.

I kissed him softly, "You're the best wife ever," he said, "Go harder," he begged, "Oh I know you like it rough," I smirked, he laughed, "Honey I give it to you rough, I don't know what you're talking about," he said, "Hey!" I blushed making him laugh.

I dug my fingers in a bit more rough making him moan, "Oh fuck, deeper!" He begged, "Micky people are gonna think I'm fucking you," I said, "Fucking me with massages, fuck yes," he muffled into the pillow making me giggle.

I massaged his sides making him hum in delight.
"Mwah," I said kissing his head.

"This feels so good..." He hummed, "Do that neck thing," he pleaded, I massaged up where his hair on the back of his head stopped and he hummed in delight.
"Yes baby... That feels so good..." He grumbled, "I love you," I giggled, "I love you more then anything," he hummed.

"My massages or me?" I asked, "Both," he said giving a cheeky smile making me cackle.

I gently used the palm of my hand to dig at his back, he hummed in delight making me giggle as I squeezed his butt gently, "Cheeky," he said making me giggle.

"I love the beard by the way, makes you look very sexy," I said, "Mm, you think?" He asked, "I know," I giggled, "I'm probably gonna shave it soon as it's rough and itchy," he said, "Your balls or your face?" I snickered, he laughed along.

"Dirty girl," he smiled.

I laid beside him and he pulled me close, "I feel like you took 20 years off of me," he smiled making me giggle.

He kissed me softly, "Thanks baby," he said and tickled me making me giggle.
"I'll repay you..." He hummed, "What ya doin?" I asked as he sat up, "Shhh... Close your eyes," he smirked, I closed my eyes and felt my pants being discarded, followed by my underwear making me gasp, "Shhh...." He whispered.

"I'll massage you real good," he smirked and flicked me with his tongue making me whine.

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