Vince Neil #5 | Hills.

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As it was getting late, the guys and I had dinner out as we couldn't be fucked to do anything else.
"We should eat at the hill," I suggested, "Eh, sure," Tommy said and we walked across the road to the park, a small hill was perked at the back so we went over.

I placed my foot down next to theirs, "I'll be back, I need a leak," I said as I went to the bathroom at the top of the hill.
Then I noticed someone sitting there at the edge, I jumped out of my skin and nearly pissed myself right then and there.

I went to do my business and then washed my hands.
I was curious. I contemplated before walking over.
"Excuse me?" I asked, they turned and I saw through the moons glow that it was a girl, a very beautiful one at that.

"Hello," I said and sat down, "Why are you alone?" I asked, "Oh... Just wanted to relax... Get out and let the fresh air refresh my mind..." She told me, her green eyes shining in the dark as her lips were slightly parted, Jesus she was gorgeous.

"Do you want to sit with me and the guys?" I asked, "Um... It's okay," she said softly, "Really? We wouldn't mind..." I said, "Okay..." She mumbled, I crawled down the hill and she followed me down.

"Hello," Tommy said through a mouthful, she sat behind me and waved a little.
"What's your name?" I asked, "Y/N," she said, "Nice name! Very pretty," I smiled, she smiled a bit and her hair draped down, making her cheekbones pop out.

"You're very pretty," Tommy told her, "Thank you..." She mumbled, "You guys are good lookin to," she giggled, we chuckled and Nikki moved over slightly.

"Here, sit beside me," I said, she scooted over and her pale skin was eched with goosebumps.
"Are you cold? Hungry?" I asked, "No, I'm alright," she said, bullshit, she was shaking and breathing heavily.

"You stay with these guys for a bit, I'll be back," I said as I walked across the road.
"I can barely see fuck," Mick said making her giggle. "These lights have been busted for a while," she said, "How long have you been here?" Tommy asked, "Not long, I'm not originally from America..." She said, "Oh! Where are you from?" Nikki asked, "I'm from Australia," she said, "Nice! We've been down there a few times, it's awesome," Tommy said, "I'm not originally from here either, I was born in Athens over in Greece," Tommy smiled.

"That's cool," she said, "Yeah, I was about two years old, I like going there sometimes though," he said.

"Is it pretty? This is the only country I've been in other then my home country," she said, "Yeah it's beautiful, everyone's super sweet over there, but if you mess with the food you're fucked," Tommy chuckled.

I came back and put food down, then I took my leather jacket off and put it around her, "Eat, I can hear your stomach rumbling from the bottom of the hill," I chuckled, "Really?" She asked, "Yeah, now eat before I feed you myself," I said.

"Is that a threat or a challenge?" She smirked, "Ooh!" The boys said.


I giggled as Vince sat closer, "Eat, or else," he said, "Or else what?" I asked, "I will spank the shit outta you, so eat," he said, "Kinky," I said and ate one chip.

"Keep going," he said, "Heh, I bet you say that a lot," I winked making them all laugh while he shoved me.

I giggled and he chuckled softly, "You're a dirty little shit," he smirked, "Shit is dirty honey," I said as I ate the food he bought me.

He chuckled and I kissed his cheek, "Thank you Vincey," I giggled, "Vincey?" He asked, "Vincent," I said, "Nah, call me Vince," he said.

"Okay Vincent," I smiled, "I will spank you," he warned, "Okay, I'll bend over when I wanna be spanked," I said making them laugh.

"My butts just too good for you," I smirked, "Oh really?" He asked, "Yeah," I smiled and put my hair up.

"So why we're you up here?" Mick asked, "I wanted to get out for a bit, my boss was being a mega asshole today," I scoffed, "Ooh, tell us," Tommy said and flicked a chip at Vince who tackled him.

I giggled, "Continue," The remaining two boys said.
"So I was about 5 minutes late, big deal right? My boss continued to shame me on my body, saying that if I want to be a big deal I need big tits and a big ass, I'm like... 'What the fuck does this got to do with being late?!', god..." I sighed dramatically, "Seriously? What a dick!" Vince scoffed.

"What's a dick?! Wise question! Well, since you don't have one, I'll tell you," I hummed making them snicker while he groaned and tackled me, I laughed as he tickled my least ticklish spot.

"That's not working," I smiled, he tickled my stomach making me laugh and kick around.
"Help me!" I pleaded and cackled, trying to move his strong hands off of mine but I was too weak.

"Help," I pleaded, Nikki just threw a chip at me and chuckled.
"Vince please, I promise I'll stop, I'd rather a spanking over this," I sobbed making Vince chuckle as he got up and let me go.

I rubbed my ribs and giggled as tears fell from my eyes, "You are really pretty, even when you cry," Nikki said, "Thank you... You guys are a lot nicer then my boss," I said, "Your boss can suck my dick," Vince said, "Gross," I said.

"Suck it," Vince said, "Nah, I rather not," I said smiling making him chuckle.
"So what's your type?" Tommy asked, "Well what's you guys type?" I hummed.

"Boobs," Nikki said, "Ass," Tommy said, "Thighs," Vince said, "Any woman with a pussy," Mick said and cackled mischeiviously making me laugh.

"Now you," Vince said, holding an Imaginary mic, "I don't know, any guy that isn't a dick face and has amazing taste in music," I shrugged.

"You're in luck, wanna fuck?" Vince asked making me laugh, they chuckled along and I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

"You're so great Vince, I really like you," I giggled, "Yeah hear that fuckers?!" Vince yelled, "I like all of you guys, you're all stupid in your own ways, except you Mick, you're chill, you're cool," I said, he fist pumped me while the others flipped me off.

And after a while, Vince walked me home, holding my hand and smiling ear to ear as he got to my stop.

I put my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek, "You can do better then that," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly.
"There, your daily kiss," I smiled, "So you wanna see me again?" He asked.

"Oh Vince, you're too much a character to see only once," I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He chuckled and held my hand.
"I'll call you," he said as he put his number into my phone on the table.

"Bye shortie," he smirked, "Bye blondie," I smiled and waved.

He blew a kiss and winked as he waved making me giggle and do the same.

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