Nikki Sixx #36 | Shes got looks that kill.

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Strutting around the towns of L. A. She was making her way to pick up her daughter from her ex's place.

Men whistled at her, she just flipped them off and continued on her way, hips swaying and boots clipping against the floor.

She knocked, the guy shoved the little one over.
"Careful, prick," she snarled and walked off.

"What would you like to eat baby girl?" She asked her daughter, "Mm... Chippies," the little one said shyly.

"Alright darling," She said and took her into a club minors could go into.
She bought her some chips and had a side of salsa with it.

"Eat up baby girl," she said, however, she noticed as four leather clad wannabes walked in.

They sat on the table across from her, wait... Those aren't wannabes, Motley Crue, her favourite band... How lucky?!

"I love you," she said as she rubbed her daughters back.
"I love you too mummy," The little one giggled, her name was Aravis.

"I'm full mummy," Aravis said, "That's alright my love," She said and pushed them aside.

Some jerk stormed over, "Eenie Meenie Minie Moe! Catch a tiger by the toe!" He said and squeezed Aravis' foot, making the little girl cry out in pain, bawling her eyes out.

Y/N was fuming...

"Sit here darling," she said and put her daughter on the seat beside her.
She got up, she may of been slightly shorter then the guy, but that doesn't mean she can't kick his ass.

She grabbed his neck, shoving him down on his knees, the guy gasped, looking up at her, face going red.

"If you ever, touch my daughter again, I will rip your fucking voice box out, do you understand me?" She asked dangerously low, letting go of his neck and pulling his hair back.

"I SAID DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!" She growled, the guy nodded frantically, "Scram," she said and kicked him in the nuts making him howl before scurrying away.

She took a deep breath and had her drink of Jack Daniels.
"Come here baby," she said holding her arms open, the little one scurried over, sniffling slightly.

"Woah..." Nikki said, she turned to him.

"Sorry, that was badass!" Nikki said in awe.

She raised a brow, "Yeah girl! That was like, totally nuts!" Tommy said.

"No one touches my daughter and gets away with it," she shrugged, her daughter sniffling away, she grabbed a napkin and dried her tears away, leaning against the table as she looked at them.

"What's her name?" Mick asked, "Aravis," she said.

"Cute," Vince said, the little girl looked at them, before giggling.
"What's so funny?" Y/N smiled, "They look fluffy," she whispered in her ear making her laugh.

"What?" Nikki asked, "You look fluffy," she smirked, "We are fluffy," Tommy said, Nikki gave the little one a high five and chuckled as she grabbed his hand, holding it in hers.

"You've got the looks that kill," Vince told her, "For my daughter, yes," Y/N smiled and kissed her head.

"Mummy, daddy threw my teddy bear away," Aravis pouted, "Did he?" She sighed, "Well I'll get you a new one," she said and kissed her head.

"Bye guys," she said, "Wait," Nikki said and jogged after her.
They went together and Nikki was having a ball with them.

"Hey!" Nikki laughed as Aravis put a pillow on his head, giggling as Nikki picked her up and tickled her.

"Nooo!" She giggled and Y/N smiled softly.

They ended up getting along, dating? Yeah, too fast for love.

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