Vince Neil #22 | Baby girl.

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-Dad Vince Au-

His daughters name is... Idk let's make it Marcia.

Vince was in the kitchen, humming a song as he did the dishes.
Surprising isn't it? Vince Neil... Doing... DISHES?!

But yes, ever since his daughter was born in 1985 he's been trying to be clean and get his life under control.

She was at school by now, in kindly as she's four years old.
"Vince man, when's little one back?" Tommy asked, "At 3," Vince said, "Aww, that's two hours away!" Tommy whined, "Oh shut up," Mick said.

As it got closer, Vince went down to his motorbike and drove down the road, his daughter loved being on his Harley so he drives her every where.

As he got there, he leaned against his bike and looked at his watch, two minutes, he waited there, watching the trees swaying as he did so.

Out of no where, this gorgeous woman walks passed, giggling with a little child who smiled widely up at her.

God she was beautiful.
"You waiting?" She asked, "Yeah, on my daughter," Vince smiled, "Oh that's nice! This is my son Eric," She said, Eric looked up at Vince, he waved shyly and hid behind her leg, "Well hi little fella," Vince smiled.

"He's very shy," she chuckled, "My daughter is shy as well, her name is Marcia," Vince said, "Oh they're friends!" The lady said, "What's your name? Maybe we can be like our kids," he chuckled making her giggle.

"In Y/N," she smiled, "Nice to meet you," he said shaking her hand, "I seen you around, you don't gotta introduce," she smiled, he chuckled and there she is!

Marcia came running out as the bell went, "Daddy!" She giggled and hugged his leg, "Hiya baby!" He said and picked her up, kissing her cheek as she giggled and cuddled into his neck.

Y/N picked her son up and he clung to her neck to hide from Vince.
"He's not that scary!" She giggled, "Mm!" He whined, Vince chuckled and straddled his bike, his daughter sitting in front of him, "Yeah I am," Vince winked making her laugh.

"Sure you are," she smiled and walked over, "You're just a cutie wutie with a microphone!" She teased and squeezed his cheek, "Yes mummy!" Vince said making her laugh.

"That sounds weird," she chuckled and Vince agreed with a small nod and they laughed together.

"I should take Missy home, the boys probably wanna play cards with her," Vince smiled, "Alright, all good, bye Vincey Wincey," she smirked, "Bye (nickname you hate)," he smirked, she pouted and flipped him off making him snicker.

He waved and drove off.

As they got to the apartment, he carried her inside, she giggled as Tommy cheered as he saw her.
"Come join us mini dude!" He said, "Alrighty Mr. Dude Dude!" She said and jumped down, stomping over making them laugh.

"This kid is going places," Nikki snickered.

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