Vince Neil #33 | Don't feel guilty.

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-mentions of rape, very sad as it's child abuse, I might take this down if it's too triggering... Hopefully it won't be.
Vince is a dad au-

Vince was in the bathroom, the water running and he poured some soap into the water.
"Baby cakes," Vince called, in walked his little one, Y/N.

"Hey beautiful," he smiled and she closed the door behind her.
She walked over and he began undressing her.

"Did you have a good time when you had the babysitter over?" Vince asked, she pursed her lips and didn't reply, Vince thought this was strange as she loves talking to her daddy, especially during bath time.
He took her pants down and saw blood on her underwear.

He felt panicked, what happened?
It couldn't be a period, she was only five.

"What happened? Did you get hurt?" He asked, she shook her head, "What...?" He asked confused.

She pouted and began crying, "Oh honey, it's okay," he sighed and hugged her, "It's okay baby, what's happened?" He cooed, but she wouldn't talk.

He sighed and put her in the bathtub, washing her and running the cloth down her back, trying to make her relax.

"D-daddy...?" She hummed, "Yes my sweet?" He asked, "Daddy... I don't like the babysitter..." She sniffled, "Whys that?" He hummed.

"He hurt me..." She pouted, "What? How?" He asked, fuming inside, "He wouldn't let me go and he pulled my pants down," she sniffled.

He was choked up on his words, he didn't know what to say, or do...
He knew he wanted to kill that son of a bitch.

"Oh baby," he sighed and hugged her tightly, bawling his eyes out into her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry," he sobbed and squeezed her lightly.

"We're gonna go hang out with your uncles okay?" He hummed, she nodded and he wiped her face with a cloth.

"Does it still hurt?" He pouted, she shook her head, "That's good," he sighed and picked her up, he dried her off and began dressing her into her cute dress.

He picked her up and took her to the studio.
"Y/N!" Tommy cheered as he saw his niece.
"Guys, some things happened..." Vince sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, holding back tears.

"What...?" Nikki asked, "Little one was um... Well she was.... Well," Vince stuttered, "Cover your ears," Vince told his daughter, so she put her hands over her ears.

"She was r****" he choked, "Fuck..." Mick said, "Holy fuck man!" Tommy said and got up, giving him a hug and placing little one on the floor.

"It was her baby sitter, I wanna fuckin rip his stupid head off," Vince cried, "I know man, come on," Tommy sighed, "I'll stay with little one," Mick said, Nikki got up and they went to the police station.

"Look, when I went to bathe my daughter this morning she had blood in her underwear, she told me that her babysitter hurt her... Telling me that he pulled her pants down when she didn't want him to," Vince told the cops.

When Vince saw the babysitter next, let's just say the boys had to bail him out of jail.

"Daddy!" Y/N yelled and ran up to him when he was released.
"Oh sweety!" He sighed and picked her up, spinning her around.

He kissed all over her face and sighed softly.

"I missed you," he smiled, "I missed you too daddy," she smiled.

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