Nikki Sixx #50 | The gap.

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(Modern Day Nikki Sixx).

The bassist found himself journalling as usual. His hands ran over the paper as his pen darted and made permanent lines across the page. He was captivated by the art of writing, he had been since he was a kid. He checked his phone to see when his darling girlfriend would be back, smiling a little when he saw a kiss emoji and an 'I love you, be home soon baby! xoxo' text.

The door soon opened, he looked up to see his girlfriend walk in. "Hey honey, how's your book going?" She smiled over at him, he smiled a little and kissed her cheek as she sat beside him, "Nearly done, talking about when I was a kid," Nikki smiled, "Long before I was born, old man," She smirked making him chuckle as he rolled his eyes and gently shoved her.

"You are old though," She murmured making him smirk, "I know, shut up you, I got my kids telling me that let alone you too," He smiled making her giggle as she played with his soft hair.

"How was work?" He smiled, "Ugh! Ass again, my singer was being an idiot as SOMEBODY *cough cough* drummer, decided it would be a great idea to give him sugar," She huffed making him laugh softly, "You know, back in my day we got high and drunk, you guys just eat sugar," He smiled, "I learnt my lesson off of you though, youre an idiot..." She said making him chuckle softly, "Thanks babe, appreciate it," He smiled sarcastically, "You're welcome, glad I could help," She smiled making him chuckle.

"I love you darling," He sighed, "I love you more, more and more and more!" She huffed and kissed his cheek, "Nah uh, I love you the most," He said, "Not even," She scoffed making him chuckle.

"You know Stormy and I are practically best friends, does that make you feel ancient?" She asked, "Yeah, considering you're only 10 years older then her, yes, it does make me feel ancient," He smiled making her chuckle softly as she kissed his cheek.

"Love you babe," She smiled, "Love you most."

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